Women Health

10 Home Remedies for Female Libido Enhancement

Home Remedies for Female Libido Enhancement

Natural Ways to Increase Sex Drive in Women

The problem of low drive in women is a quite common and large percentage of women suffers from this problem. In the old days, frigidity was a problem of middle-age or old age but now it is common in all age-groups and relatively younger females to become victims of frigidity.

Changes in eating, lifestyle and daily routine are regarded as major causes which have grown this problem in all age-groups. The problem of frigidity is a symptom rather than a problem. If a woman loses her drive for lovemaking without any apparent reason it signifies the presence of a physical, mental or sexual problem.

There can be many causes of low libido in women varying from mild to serious. Treating this problem needs a treatment which has varied properties to address an entire range of causes and alleviate them naturally.

Natural methods are regarded as the most effective treatments for treating low libido problem in females. Not only these methods are very effective but these can be used by a female without any prescription.

Women may not want to discuss their problem with anyone, natural methods can be taken without any worries of side effects, and these can be used secretly without disclosing to anyone. There are many home remedies for female libido enhancement which have been used by females since old times for good effects.

Home remedies for female libido enhancement are not part of old wife’s tales. These are natural ways which enhance woman’s health and vigor and make her active in bed. These possess properties to address debilities in the body and mind of a woman and also her reproductive system to bring back keen desire to enjoy romance.

Today women are loaded with responsibilities much higher than a woman in the old days. Today woman works at home and also outside and fulfills her natural obligations too like extending progeny. All of these can stress even most healthy and fit woman out and make her frigid.

Home remedies for female libido enhancement provide a solution by countering stress and keeping a woman energized and active despite the hectic daily routine.

Menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause are a few phases of every woman’s life. Any disturbance in the menstrual cycle, poor recovery from pregnancy and childbirth, post-natal problems and arrival of menopausal symptoms can wipe-off woman’s drive for lovemaking.

Home remedies for female libido enhancement are effective ways to address all these causes and resolve the problem of frigidity safely. Women are common victims of certain health problems like anemia, thyroid malfunction, obesity, high cholesterol, urinary problems, low immunity, osteoporosis, bone weaknesses, etc.

Home remedies for female libido enhancement are efficient treatments that handle even health problems to elevate drive in women for lovemaking.

Kamni capsules are herbal supplements designed to alleviate the problem of low libido in women. These supplements come with herbal ingredients and are supplements of choice.

You do not need any prescription or advice to use these supplements purely herbal nature of these pills makes them home remedies to increase female sex drive and also very effective protective remedies.

If a woman fear of suffering from frigidity due to any reason these pills can be used to prevent the problem from occurring naturally. Kamni capsules are good for a woman of any age and are easy to use. Just consume 1-2 pills in a day and you get rid of frigidity completely.

By using Kamni capsules along with home remedies for female libido enhancement you get benefits of healthy diet and protection from internal stressors. You also get healthy hormonal secretion and strong and energized reproductive system.

These pills come with purgatory herbs which cleanse the internal system and reduce stress over vital organs and systems of the body. Kamni capsules regulate menses, cure problems like vaginal dryness or excessive discharge and make entire genital region sensitive.

These bring intense arousals and let you achieve climaxes easily. These home remedies to increase female sex drive are non-contradictory. Even if you are taking any medication or undergoing any treatment you can use these to lead a passionate love-life and stay healthy.

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Top 10 Home Remedies for Female Libido Enhancement

Here you can find the top 10 DIY which is very useful in alleviating frigidity. These are protective remedies too and suppress problem from arising.

Home remedies to increase desire in women utilize properties of foods and herbs so that one can handle any health issue conveniently and prevent it from progressing. For frigidity, any woman can follow one or few of the following home remedies and stay healthy, fertile and active in bed.


Eat garlic in raw form to prevent frigidity. Garlic is aphrodisiac for men but not for women yet it is recommended as a home remedy for frigidity. Garlic boosts-up immunity and treats infections and allergies efficiently. It enhances blood flow and speeds-up rate of fat metabolism.

These properties make it useful for preventing frigidity in women prone to suffer from infections in the genital region or susceptible to gain weight. A healthy flow of blood keeps the reproductive system of a female healthy and strong to suppress signs of frigidity.


Ginger is another spice which is aphrodisiac for women and helps in suppressing hormones that cause hormonal imbalance. It speeds up metabolism and cures digestive problems. Its aroma is believed as refreshing and helps in shedding mental and physical stress.

Drink 1-2 cups of ginger tea for good effects. Add honey in place of sugar for better results. Regular intake of ginger tea works as an effective preventive remedy for frigidity and resolves the problem occurring due to physical or mental stress.

Almonds and Saffron Milk

If you are seeing serious signs of frigidity like not feeling aroused even after persuasion or failing to gain climaxes then almonds and saffron can be very useful for treating the problem.

Take 5-6 pieces of almonds and soak them in water overnight. In the morning peel them off and grind to form a paste. Keep a glass of milk to boil and add one piece of crushed cardamom to it, when the milk starts boiling add almond paste and boil the milk a few times.

Later allow it to become warm and add a few strands of saffron and drink. One glass of almond saffron milk in the morning can boost-up your drive in a short time. It is one of the time-tested and proven home remedies for female libido enhancement.

Banyan Roots Tea

Tea made of banyan roots is one of the oldest and trusted home remedies to increase sexual desire in women. Take a two inches long piece of banyan roots and add to a glass of water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes and allow it to cool down. When it is a bearably warm strain and drink.

One cup of banyan roots tea is wonderful for reinstating drive for lovemaking in women. This tea also improves functions of the reproductive system, cures menstrual irregularities and problems and boost-up female fertility.

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Essential Oils

The aroma of essential oils is relaxing and refreshing. It is soothing for tense nerves and muscles and relieves the mind from tension. So if stress is keeping you away from your partner in bed try essential oils.

Take a bath after adding a few drops of essential oil of your choice or just keep it in a vaporizer in your bedroom. The fumes of essential oils can be wonderful for igniting lust in you.

Vegetable Oil

Body massage is a trusted way to gain energy and freshness. Use any vegetable oil like mustard or coconut and make it warm before use.

Massage your neck, legs, and shoulder or ask someone for help. Full body massage and warm water shower can be relaxing and energizing and get you ready for bedtime acts.


Add flaxseeds in your daily diet. These are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and also elevate the level of estrogen safely which goes down in women facing menopausal symptoms or suffering from the weak reproductive system.

Dry roast flaxseeds and add to a glass jar, take one tablespoon every day, you can even grind roasted seeds and use as a sprinkle over salad or curd, desserts, etc. This works as one of the potent home remedies for female libido enhancement.

Fruits and Veggies

Include raw fruits and veggies in daily diet. These are good remedies to fight back frigidity as these improve metabolism, energy, and stamina and also support vital systems of the body. These are sources of antioxidants which delay tissue aging and keep the reproductive system healthy.

Fish and Eggs

If you can eat non-veggie foods use fish and eggs in your diet. Fish provides omega-3 fatty acids and eggs are good sources of vitamin B3 and B6 and lean protein which keep a female in sound health. These foods help in countering stress and increase support to the reproductive system of a female to treat frigidity.

Vegetable Juice

Vegetable juices are very effective remedies for debilities, low immunity, and disorders in vital systems of the body. Extract 300 ml of carrot juice and 100 ml each of spinach and beetroot juice.

Add these juices to get half a liter of the mixture. Drink this mixture in a day regularly to increase energy and gain higher vitality and vigor.

Foods that Increase Sexual Desire in Women

There are many foods that work as natural medicines for treating frigidity in females. Fruits and veggies are on top of the list as these are sources of dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Focus on eating more from this category on a regular basis.

Sweet potatoes, avocado, apples, banana, berries, and tomatoes are best for handling frigidity. Eat dark green veggies on a regular basis and include all types of green leafy veggies in the diet.

Walnuts, flaxseeds, fish, eggs and lean meat are other varieties of foods which can be included in daily diet as snacks or main diet. These provide vital nutrition to female to keep her high in vigor and fertility.

Wholegrain shall form the core of your diet to stay healthy, energized and fertile. Include oats, barley, brown rice, quinoa and also cereals in regular diet to maintain optimum nutrition and stay energized.

Maintain healthy water intake, avoid excessive tea, coffee and beverages. You can also try dark chocolate and red wine for alleviating frigidity.

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