Wrinkled and saggy skin around eyes makes a person look older and stressed natural remedies are safe and effective ways how to tighten loose skin around the eyes and improve the looks of a person.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Loose Skin Around the Eyes
Skin begins to sag when collagen production deteriorates, there are many reasons for reducing collagen which include aging and nutritional deficiencies, natural remedies reverse ill-effects of the factors and tighten sagging skin around eyes.
How to Tighten Loose Sagging Skin Around the Eyes?
Egg Whites – Home Remedy to Tighten Loose Sagging Skin
Egg whites are rich sources of vitamin E which enhances the flow of blood in the skin. These are used for skin tightening in numerous remedies. Egg whites work as a very effective way how to tighten loose skin around the eyes.
Take the white part of one egg and whisk it to make it smooth, apply with the help of a brush in the form of a layer and leave it to dry, wash off after 20-30 minutes. Repeat this remedy regularly till you see positive results.
You can whisk white part of eggs and keep it in the refrigerator, apply this chilled egg white to gain instant tightness and reduce bags and swelling under eyes. You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the egg white and apply it as a mask to reduce lines and wrinkles.
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Rosewater – Home Remedy to Reduce Lines and Wrinkles
Keep rosewater in the refrigerator and use it every night before going to bed. Apply rose water over the areas containing lines and wrinkles and leave it overnight.
Use a cotton ball to apply a few layers of rose water, it works as one of the useful remedies to tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
Rosewater tightens and tones skin and improves the elasticity of the skin to remove lines and wrinkles. It also treats puffy and swollen eyes and works well to remove dark circles.
Almond and Olive Oil – Home Remedy to Tighten Loose Skin Around Eyes
Almond and olive oil both are rich sources of vitamin E which is excellent for increasing collagen production. Apply a thick coat of any of these oils and leave for half an hour.
These oils supplement vitamin E which promotes blood flow and help in the production of collagen which makes skin tighter and firmer to remove sagginess. These oils are trusted ways how to tighten loose skin around the eyes.
Natural Remedy to Improve Skin Health
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
Include blueberries and blackberries in your diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants and bioflavonoid complexes that improve collagen production and tighten sagging skin around eyes. These berries are also rich in vitamin C which is also a type of antioxidant.
Blue and blackberries strengthen blood vessels and improve the flow of blood which is a major advantage for treating sagging skin around the eyes and eliminating wrinkles and lines.
Honey and Lemon Juice – Home Remedy to Treat Saggy Skin
Apply honey regularly an hour before taking a shower. This is astringent in nature and also possesses anti-inflammatory and nutritive properties. Apply a thick layer of honey and leave for an hour and wash off while you take shower.
You can also try a mixture of honey and lemon juice added in equal parts, lemon exfoliates skin and brings out a fresh layer of cells and honey nourishes and increases collagen production to tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
Cucumber Juice – Home Remedy to Get Tight and Smooth Skin
Peel off one medium-sized cucumber and process it through a processor for 1-2 minutes. Collect the content sieve to extract pure juice out. Apply cucumber juice over wrinkled and saggy skin around eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes.
For instant tightness, you can make cucumber juice chilled before applying. Wash off later and repeat twice in a day regularly to get tight and smooth skin. This is one of the trusted ways how to tighten loose skin around the eyes.
Aloe Vera Gel – Home Remedy to Keep Skin Moisturize and Prevent Dryness
Face massages tighten sagging skin around the eyes. You can use fresh Aloe Vera gel to massage face a few times in a week. Massages improve the flow of blood and enhance the health of the skin by speeding-up cell and collagen generation.
Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory and also keeps skin moisturized preventing dryness which brings sagginess in the skin. You can also use cold-pressed castor oil for facial massages this oil to possess properties to tighten the skin of the face and around eyes.
Baking Soda – Home Remedy to Remove Wrinkles and Lines
Baking soda is beneficial for skin in many ways. It sloughs away dead skin cells and also brings tightness in the skin. Prepare a paste by adding a few drops of cold water to a sufficient quantity of baking soda.
Apply this paste over areas showing wrinkles, lines, and bags of flesh and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off and repeat one more time during the day regularly till you see positive results.
Take care of sleep and avoid staying awake till late at night. Relax your eyes while working on computers or reading and writing. These can cause temporary swelling around eyes which gradually forms wrinkles, lines and makes skin saggy.
Drink plenty of water to stay away from dehydration. The scarcity of water makes skin dry and because the skin around the eyes is thinner than other parts it shows signs of dehydration quickly and becomes saggy. Avoid smoking, regular alcohol intake or drinking till late at night.
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