Overactive bladder (OAB), which is also called incontinence, is a common problem in women. The main problem with this condition is that people are ashamed of this condition.
They are embarrassed to talk about this condition and seek help. Frequent visits to the bathroom make them a laughing stock. Therefore, many feel less confident due to this condition.
In short, this condition can affect day-to-day life in general. Adjusting the daily routines are going to be very effective in dealing with this condition. There are several herbal remedies for overactive bladder.
The best thing about herbal remedies for overactive bladder is that they don’t result in horrible side effects.
One can find long-lasting relief with the help of herbal remedies. Nature has full of surprises.
Let’s take a look at some of the effective herbal remedies for overactive bladder below.
Herbal Remedies for Overactive Bladder
Though there are several herbal remedies for overactive bladder, reducing fluid can be very helpful. Reduce the intake of water during meals. Also, keep a gap between the fluid intakes.
However, one should note the fact that the reduction of fluid intake alone won’t solve the problem. To deal with the symptoms, you need to do other things as well, which are going to see now.
Dietary Changes to Deal with OAB
Lifestyle and dietary changes can be as effective as herbal remedies for overactive bladder. Alcohol and caffeine can work against this condition, as both will force you to go to the bathroom every once in a while. Both are well-known stimulants. Also, they are diuretic in nature.
You will experience a powerful urge to go for urination when you consume either. However, avoiding caffeine doesn’t mean that you have to stop drinking your morning coffee. There are other sources of caffeine, including tea and chocolate.
One must stay away from all of them if they are serious about a fast recovery from this condition. A daily dose of caffeine is restricted to 100 mg. Sticking to it will be very helpful in dealing with overactive bladder.
The best thing about herbal remedies for overactive bladder is that they improve overall health as well. Reducing sugar intake would be an effective natural remedy for this condition.
In place of sugar, one can use artificial sweeteners. However, one cannot say for sure that artificial sweeteners won’t affect this condition in a negative manner.
Reducing sugar, in general, will be helpful in dealing with this condition in an effective manner. Say NO to all sorts of sugary beverages is one way to deal with this problem.
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Kegel Exercises – Natural Treatment for Overactive Bladder
Pelvic muscle exercises can be as helpful as herbal remedies for overactive bladder. Kegel exercises pertaining to pelvic muscles can be very helpful in controlling the urge and leaks.
This exercise squeezes pelvic floor muscles and it will prevent leakage. Perform kegel exercises 3 to 4 times a day for maximum result.
Genital passage weights are also very effective in dealing with this condition. These small cone-shaped weights should be inserted into the genital passage.
Losing Weight for Overactive Bladder
Losing weight is as effective as other herbal remedies for overactive bladder. Being overweight and overactive bladder is directly connected.
Abdomen fat will exert extra pressure on pelvic muscles, which will worsen the condition. This is exactly why pregnant woman experiences overactive bladder during the pregnancy.
Creating a Bathroom Schedule
Creating a bathroom schedule is going to be as effective as herbal remedies for overactive bladder. Keeping a consistent bathroom schedule can be very helpful in dealing with OAB in an efficient manner.
Conditioning the brain to go at certain intervals will block the surprise urges. Going to the bathroom in a regular interval is going to be very effective in controlling the urge as you please.
Keeping track of the symptoms is as important as herbal remedies for overactive bladder. Why this is important because you will be able to find out what triggers this condition.
Finding the trigger is extremely important in dealing with this condition in an effective manner.
One should realize the fact that stress also can add to this condition. Therefore, keeping stress under control is very important for the proper treatment of this condition.
Though one should rely on the herbal remedies for overactive bladder, discussing it with your doctor is going to be very helpful in dealing with this condition.
In most cases, people prefer home remedies. Well, that is a great strategy as herbal remedies can give side effect free resolution.
However, many fail to understand the fact that they might need the help of the doctor in case they are in a worse condition.
In some cases, the intervention of a doctor is important to stay away from embarrassing accidents. The good thing is that the doctor himself can prescribe the best herbal remedy suited for your condition.
Nothing works better than natural remedies when it comes to overactive bladder. There are plenty of effective natural remedies which can provide long-lasting relief to this problem.
Follow the aforementioned techniques and suggestions to keep overactive bladder under control.
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