Control Dental Plaque and Tartar Buildup
Plaque is a layer formed by bacteria, the bacteria present in mouth is kept under control by regular brushing and saliva which gets secreted in mouth.
But eating habits and poor hygiene can allow the bacteria to grow rapidly which forms a thin and fragile layer over teeth.
If this layer of bacteria is not removed at an early stage it gets hardened and strongly attached to the tooth and becomes difficult to remove.
If this bacteria build-up damages enamel and reaches tooth and its root, it forms tartar. Once tartar has formed, only a dentist is able to remove it.
There are tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up which can cure the problem before it aggravates and avoid visits to the dentist.
The conversion of bacteria into plaque and plaque into tartar does not take long, even in those who have a powerful immune system this process may not take longer than a couple of days.
The best way to protect teeth from horrible tartar is by taking proper care of dentures and following tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Tips to Control Dental Plaque and Tartar Buildup
Brush Twice in a Day
There are many people who would say that despite brushing teeth twice every day they have suffered from plaque build-up.
People either do not brush regularly twice or they do not brush properly. One needs to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush for at least 2 minutes twice a day.
A short burst of brushing cannot provide complete cleanliness and may leave bacteria untouched at many places in the mouth.
Using a proper toothbrush and regularly brushing teeth for at least 2 minutes each time is one of the effective tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Check Your Toothpaste
One should always use a fluoride containing toothpaste, this mineral is highly effective in the breaking-down of the film of bacteria and also nullifies acids secreted by it which damages enamel and dig a cavity in teeth.
Most people just use any toothpaste without checking its contents. Toothpaste having no fluoride is ineffective in controlling harmful microorganisms in the mouth and fails to provide proper protection.
Using fluoride-rich toothpaste is another one of the useful tips to control dental plaque and tartar buildup.
Use Mouthwash
People most often ignore the importance of mouthwash. A strong anti-bacterial mouthwash can be of immense help in preventing cavities and tooth decay, it avoids the growth of bacteria and also nullifies acid build-up in the mouth which corrodes enamel and allows bacteria to settle in.
Using proper mouthwash after brushing in the morning and evening is one of the useful tips to control dental plaque and tartar buildup.
Avoid Frequent Eating
Brushing and flossing are very useful for keeping the mouth clean and free of harmful microorganisms but if one eats regularly a few times in a day mouth becomes full of food particles that do not get flushed out by water-rinse.
These food particles release acids when clouted by bacteria and damage enamel. Avoid eating at regular intervals so that hygiene is maintained for most of the time during the day.
This is one of the effective tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Avoid Sugary and Starchy Foods
Minimize intake of sugary and starchy foods as these are biggest culprits in causing microorganism build-up in mouth and form acids.
These foods generally are sticky in nature and fill-in spaces between teeth, these do not clear completely even after water-rinse.
Minimizing the intake of harmful foods is another one of the popularly recommended tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Drink Water
This is good for health in many ways and also for keeping oral problems away. Body’s mechanism keeps harmful microorganisms under control by producing saliva which carries these agents out, by consuming water in plenty one helps the body to maintain healthy PH balance in mouth which regulates the formation of saliva in healthy quantity.
This is another one of the effective tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Avoid Using Tobacco
One should stop the use of tobacco in any form whether smoking or chewing. Tobacco releases harmful acids in the mouth which not only promote bacterial growth but also damage enamel and cause stains.
By stopping the use of tobacco one not only helps his or her health but also keeps the dentures healthy and strong for a longer period in life.
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Eat Healthy Food
Include calcium and magnesium-rich vegetables and fruits in diet, calcium is vital for keeping bones and teeth healthy and magnesium promotes the growth of tissues.
Including nuts like almonds, dates and dairy products like low-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk in the diet are also good tips to control dental plaque and tartar build-up.
Avoid too much fruit juices, as these cause acidity and may alter the PH balance of the mouth. Use electronic toothbrushes if possible.
These are known to remove plaque better than manual ones. Rinse mouth thoroughly after meals or eating a snack. One can also try some calcium-rich supplements to increase the amount of this vital mineral.
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