Skin allergies are caused by abnormal inflammatory response of the body when immune system feels that skin has come in contact with harmful, poisonous or damaging substance. These are generally caused by certain type of metals, dyes, animal dander, plants, chemical and clothes in most of the people. Some people can become allergic to sunrays, dry or hot air, foods and cosmetics containing particular substance or chemical. The allergy can be localized or generalized and it may present in the form of rashes which may itch or burn. Certain medical conditions can make skin prone to suffer with frequent allergies and side effects of medicines are other known causes of the problem. Home remedies for skin allergies are ways to calm down the symptoms and cure the rashes etc. in a short time.
Home Remedies for Skin Allergies
Vegetable Juices – Home Remedies for Skin Allergies
For those who suffer with skin allergies frequent consumption of vegetable juices works as one of the excellent home remedies for skin allergies. Vegetable juices boost-up immune functions and prevent the inflammatory response of the body when it is not needed. Extract 300 ml of carrot juice and 100 ml each of spinach and beetroot, mix all these juices and drink the mixture through the day. On regular use these juices work as one of the potent methods.
Lemon Juice and Honey – Home Remedy to Curb Skin Allergies
In the same way, regular consumption of mixture of lemon juice and honey also work as potent remedies for skin allergies by enhancing immune functions. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add half teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Drink one glass everyday on an empty stomach to prevent allergies.
Sandalwood Powder – Natural Remedy to Relieve Burning and Itching
Take a sandalwood stick and grind with the help of a grindstone, collect the powder in sufficient quantity and add few drops of water to form a paste. Apply this paste over affected part and let it stay, it relieves burning and itching and also heals the damaged skin faster. You can repeat applications till symptoms subside. Sandalwood powder is one of the best methods for skin allergies and irritations.
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Green Tea Bags – Natural Remedy to Curb Skin Problems
Soak two-three bags of green tea in half cup of hot water for few minutes, let the tea flow out and later squeeze the bags to extract remaining liquid as well. Discard teabags and dab a cotton ball in the mixture when it is bearably warm, apply over affected part and let it dry out, apply another layer once first one has dried out, repeat till your mixture lasts. On regular use green tea calms down symptoms and heals the damaged part faster to work as one of the easy to use home remedies for skin allergies.
Bananas and Lemon Juice – Natural Remedy to Treat Skin Alleries
Mash bananas to form a paste, take bananas in sufficient quantities according to your requirement and mash them to form a paste. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the paste and apply over affected part, let the paste stay till it dries out, you can tie the paste to hold it at right place. This works as one of the effective home remedies for skin allergies. You can also try banana peel, rub the inside part of banana peel over the affected part to calm down symptoms and heal the affected skin faster. Both of these are widely prescribed home remedies.
Chamomile Tea – Natural Remedy to Curb Skin Infections
Drinking a cup of chamomile tea regularly also works as wonderful home remedies for skin allergies. Chamomile is relaxing and also good for enhancing immune functions. Just add a teaspoon of dry herb to a cup of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes, later strain and add a teaspoon of honey and drink. On regular use this will provide immense relief from frequency and intensity of allergies.
Poppy Seeds and Lime Juice – Home Remedies to Improve Skin Health
Take one tablespoon of poppy seeds, one teaspoon of lime juice and one teaspoon of water, grind poppy seeds and add lime juice and water to gain a paste with smooth consistency. Apply over the affected part.
Licorice Tea – Natural Remedy to Prevent Allergic Reactions
Like chamomile tea drinking two-three cups of licorice tea are also wonderful home remedies for skin allergies. Licorice tea boosts-up immune functions and prevent allergic reactions effectively. Mix a teaspoon of dry herb to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for few minutes later strain and when liquid is bearably warm add a teaspoon of honey and drink.
Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice – Home Remedy to Heal Affected Skin
Take coconut oil in sufficient quantities and add one part of lemon juice to three parts of oil. Apply this mixture over affected part and let it stay, repeat application after few hours, these applications work as potent home remedies for skin allergies which also relieve the troubling symptoms like pain and itching and heal the affected skin faster.
Castor Oil – Natural Remedy to Reduce Skin Allergies
Castor oil works as internal remedy which prevents and reduces intensity of allergies from inside. Add few drops of castor oil to a glass of fruit juice, or you can add few drops of castor oil to a glass of carrot juice and drink regularly on an empty stomach. This too is one of the best home remedies for skin allergies.
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