Hair is exposed to the external environment and also bears activities of chemicals, pollutants, hot air and cosmetics. Hair gains all the nutrition from the scalp which is part of the skin, if the body is weak and deficient in certain nutrients it cannot supplement the scalp and produce healthy hair.
Weak hair and damaged hair are prone to break and fall-off. When hair fall is at a higher rate it causes bald spots which are aesthetically unpleasing and also make a person look much older than age. Home remedies for hair loss are measures which can be taken easily to maintain the health of hair, increase their growth and prevent them from falling.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss
Home Remedy to Cure Hair Loss
- Olive Oil
- Almond Oil
- Coconut Oil
Choose any of these oils, olive, almond or coconut and take in sufficient quantities. Apply with fingers over scalp gently massaging it and later on hair. Let the oil stay and soak a towel in warm water. Wring to flush excess water out and wrap it around your head, leave it for 20 minutes and later wash off with plain water or mild shampoo. Focus on bald spots and massage forming circular motions. Repeat this remedy thrice in a week it is one of the best used home remedies for hair loss.
Rosemary, Lavender and Geranium oils – Home Remedy for Healthy Hair
Apart from these oils, massages with rosemary, lavender, and geranium oils are also excellent home remedies for hair loss. These oils are especially beneficial in stopping the progression of alopecia aorta which causes hair loss at certain patches and forms bald spots and reduces the density of hair on the head.
Massage with any of these oils and wrap a warm towel for 20 to 30 minutes and wash off with plain water, on regular use these oils are wonderful home remedies for hair loss.
For more on hair care, check out:
Home Remedies for Hair Care
Home Remedies for Black Hair Care
Home Remedy to Promote Healthy Hair Growth
- Rose Water
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Rosemary and Jojoba Oil
Take 50 ml each of rose water and distilled water, take 15 ml of apple cider vinegar and 5 drops of rosemary, 6 drops of jojoba and 3 drops each of carrot and geranium oil. Mix all the ingredients well and store in a glass bottle, wash your hair and wipe to make them damp.
Take two teaspoons of the lotion out and mix it with a cup of water. Massage scalp with it and let the mixture stay overnight. Next morning repeat the same process and keep practicing until the mixture lasts. This is one of the best home remedies for hair loss which also promotes healthy hair growth.
Indian Gooseberry(Amla) – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Hair Loss Problem
Indian gooseberry provides couple of easy to use home remedies for hair loss. Take small pieces of Indian gooseberry about two teaspoons full, add these to two tablespoons of coconut oil and heat the mixture on a low flame for 3 to 4 minutes.
Later let the oil cool down and extract all the oil by straining and pressing pieces of Indian gooseberry. Apply this oil on scalp and let it stay for at least few hours or you can let it stay overnight. Wash off with plain water later, repeat this remedy two-three times a week to prevent hair loss.
You can also extract a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry juice and mix it with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture over scalp and wash off after half an hour. On regular use both of these are excellent home remedies for hair loss.
Fenugreek Seeds – Home Remedy to Prevent Hair Loss
Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in one and half a glass of water and let it stay overnight. In the morning grind the seeds to form a paste and apply this paste over scalp massaging it gently. Let it stay for 20 minutes and later wash off with plain water. Fenugreek seeds are wonderful home remedies for hair loss.
Licorice Roots and Saffron – Home Remedy to Treat Hair Problems
Take some licorice roots and grind them to form a powder. Take one tablespoon of the dried powder and add to a cup of water, also add half teaspoons of saffron to the mixture and mix them well. Apply this paste over bald spots and let it stay overnight. In the morning wash off with plain water and repeat twice in a week to see hair growth at bald patches. This is another very useful home remedies for hair loss.
Mustard Oil and Henna Leaves – Home Remedy to Cure Hair Loss
Take 250 ml of mustard oil and keep it to heat on a low flame, when oil is hot slowly transfer 60 gram of fresh henna leaves and let them boil with the oil till they turn black in color. Put off the flame and let the oil cool down, strain and discard leaves and store the oil for use in a glass bottle. Massage entire scalp with this oil at night regularly for few weeks to cure hair loss and promote growth. This is one of the best home remedies for hair loss.
Beetroot and Henna Leaves – Home Remedy to Prevent Hair Loss
Take few beetroot and henna leaves, grind them together adding few drops of water to form a paste and apply over bald areas on head. Let the paste stay for few hours and later wash off with plain water. This too is one of the useful home remedies for hair loss. Application of freshly extracted coconut milk is also very useful in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.
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