Glasses and lenses are helpful in improving vision and solve problems like hazy or blurry vision effectively, but wearing them all the time is frustrating too. Plus if problems related to vision are due to any progressive disorder than numbers of glasses or lenses are needed to be changed periodically which further aggravates the frustration. The truth is that if one can improve eye vision without glasses or contact lenses it is incomparably better than using these supportive aids. There are few time-tested ways that can improve eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses. These measures include exercises, supportive diet and healthy lifestyle practices that are easy to perform.
Improve Your Eye Vision without Glasses or Contact Lenses
Eye Exercises – Natural Way to Improve Eyesight
There are few types of exercises which can be performed to eradicate the problems causing poor vision. These exercises are for improving performance of ocular muscles, keeping ocular surface clean and healthy, and improving clarity of eye lens. Some of these exercises improve ability to focus on near and far objects and enhance vision. Regular exercises are very effective ways to improve eye vision without glasses or contact lenses.
Almonds – Natural Remedy to Improve Eye Vision
These nuts are very good for improving eyesight and vision. These supplement anti-oxidant, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids which are very beneficial for improving eye health and its functions. Soak few pieces of almond in water for 6-8 hours and peel them off later. Grind to form a paste and add to a glass of milk, boil the milk for few minutes and consume when bearably warm. This is one of the effective ways to improve eye vision without glasses or contact lenses.
Almonds and Fennel Seeds – Herbal Remedies to Gain Clarity Vision
Take a cup each of fennel seeds, almonds and sugar candy, grind these to form a powder and consume one teaspoon with warm milk every night before going to bed. This too is one of the effective ways to improve eye vision without wearing glasses and lenses. This shall be performed for at least 40 days regularly to gain improvement and clarity in vision.
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Maintain Good Eyesight and Eye Vision
Vitamin C – Natural Remedies for Healthy Eyes
This vitamin is a powerful anti-oxidant which maintains the health of organs of eyes and keeps blood flow healthy. This is effective in delaying eye aging too. Intake of this vitamin is beneficial to improve eye vision without glasses or contact lenses. There are many fruits which possess this vitamin in abundance, Indian gooseberry is the richest source of vitamin C, consume a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry powder with water every day once in the morning and once in the evening to enhance eye vision.
Vegetable Juices – Natural Remedies to Improve Clear and Sharp Vision
Many vegetables are great aids to improve vision. Vegetables like spinach, carrots, broccoli, beetroot, kale and sweet potatoes are popular due to their properties to improve eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses. Mix 300 ml of carrot juice with 100 ml each of beetroot and spinach juice and consume this mixture once in a day. This mixture of vegetable juices will provide all the nutrition eyes need to function properly and stay sharp for longer period in life. Vegetable juice mix is boon for overall health as well and is a useful way to improve eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses.
Triphala Powder – Herbal Remedy to Treat Eye Problems
This is an Ayurvedic remedy to improve eye vision without wearing glasses and contact lenses. Performing this is very simple, soak one teaspoon of Triphala powder with a glass of water and leave it overnight, in the morning strain the mixture. Take a swig of plain water and keep it in your mouth do not swallow.
While keeping water in mouth wash your eyes with water of Triphala powder. Practice this regularly it shows wonderful results and improves eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses.
Bilberries – Natural Treatment for Eye Health
Eating fresh bilberries provide big dose of anti-oxidants which delay eye ageing and improve their functions. These are excellent ways to improve eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses. Bilberry extract is also available in the market which is also effective in treating disorders and weaknesses in eyes and improves vision.
Gingko Biloba – Herbal Remedy to Maintain Clear and Sharp Vision
Use of this herb is widely recommended to improve eye vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses. This herb has properties to increase flow of blood towards brain which nourishes eyes as well and improve nerve functions. This herb supplements nutrients which are vital for keeping organs of eyes healthy and energized to maintain sharper and clearer vision and thus work as weak eyesight cure.
One should take certain precautions which are effective in stopping the deterioration of vision and progression of disorders and weaknesses. Do not read in dim light or stay awake till late in night. Keep eyes clean and relaxed and perform palming exercise few times in a day to keep eyes relaxed. Protecting eyes from environmental pollutants and UV rays is also necessary for preventing deterioration of vision. Drink plenty of water during the day to avoid dryness in eyes.
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