Healthy Living Tips

How To Maintain Good Eyesight And Eye Vision In Old Age

Maintain Good Eyesight and Eye Vision in Old Age

Vision starts deteriorating with growing age, people who are in a type of jobs which are straining on eyes experience reduced vision much earlier than normal age but even those who are not in such jobs experience considerably change in their vision by the age of 40.

Whatever may be the age poor vision is a source of misery and depletes the quality of life, in old age when walking and moving is difficult poor vision add problems and cause frustration. Even wearing glasses or lenses is not much of help in old age to improve vision.

There are certain easy ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age which can be immensely helpful. These are effective in keeping in check the progression of diseases and ailments and also in preventing other age-related disorders.

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How To Maintain Good Eyesight And Eye Vision In Old Age

Check your Sodium Intake

High sodium intake is devastating for vision and eyesight. Use salt as minimum in quantity as possible and check ingredients of packed and canned food to know amount of sodium present in these. By reducing intake of salt you can protect your eyes and its functions and prevent vision from deteriorating. Medically one should not consume more than 2000 mg of sodium in a day to keep vision normal and eyes healthy. This is one of the useful ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.

Protect Eyes from UV Rays

Always wear sunglasses while you are out, these glasses prevent damaging effects of UV rays present in sunlight and also provide substantial protection from pollutants and dust present in air and outer environment. Eyes in old age are weak and unable to withstand stress caused by external aggressors, these aggressors constantly affect normal eye functions and harm them to deplete vision and initiate disorders. Wearing sunglasses and washing eyes regularly at least before going to bed are simple but very useful ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.

Eye Exercises

These improve strength and endurance of ocular muscles, these exercises also improve flow of blood and allow eyes to focus on near and far objects easily. Weakness in muscles is one of the primary reasons for poor eyesight in old age. By performing eye exercises regularly one can maintain strength and endurance of ocular muscles and thus gets the perfect weak eyesight cure in old age.

General Exercises

It is not that by performing eye exercises only one can maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age, even general exercises like walking, jogging, cycling or swimming etc. can also do world of good for maintaining healthy vision. These exercises keep blood flow even all over the body and also maintain low toxicity level in the body, with lower toxin level body an protect eyes from their damaging effects and maintain good vision. Mild walk or a swim is not only great for health but simple ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.


Quit smoking, control alcohol intake, quit late night reading and avoid too much TV or computers. These tips are not only good for old people but also for young, though in old age one needs to follow them more strictly. People in old age often get affected with insomnia, even if you are unable to sleep keep your eyes closed while lying on bed and try to fall asleep instead of getting up and reading something or watching TV. Such habits give a double blow to eyes by straining them severely. Quitting these habits are simple ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.

Eat Healthy

One should form a diet plan which includes carrots, spinach, kale, collard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lemon, garlic, turmeric etc. either in raw form or juice or soups. All of these are sources of vital vitamins and minerals which keep eyes healthy and work as useful ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.

Whole grains, citrus fruits, nuts and beans are also excellent support to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age as these supplement zinc which keeps capillaries clear and blood flow smooth and healthy.

These foods are rich sources of anti-oxidants too; these compounds prevent damages caused to eye organs by free-radicals and other harmful agents and protect vision. Healthy diet is excellent for suppressing age-related disorders and work as effective ways to maintain good eyesight and eye vision in old age.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water during the day, lack of water intake leaves eyes dry which can be damaging for vision. In old age, people are more prone to suffer from dehydration, by ensuing optimum water intake one can support the body to prevent disorders and ailments from settling-in and harming vision. Avoid too much coffee or tea or soda drinks, in place of black tea prefer green tea as it is a good source of antioxidants and help in keeping vision sharp.

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