Dryness in eyes can cause severe problems and harm vision considerably, some people experience dryness in their eyes after age of 65 but any one at any age can suffer with this problem. The commonly found reasons of dry eyes are irregular blinking due to staring at computer screen or playing video games, allergies and complications caused by RA, Sjogren’s syndrome and lupus. People taking medicines like antihistamines, anti-depressants, nasal decongestants, birth control pills and blood pressure medicines are easy victims of dryness in eyes.
Hormonal fluctuation, hormone replacement therapy and long term use of contact lenses also cause dry eyes syndrome. Dry eyes shall not be ignored as these expose delicate ocular surface to dust and environmental pollutants and even cause scars over eye lens to harm vision. Dry eyes cause itching, pain and irritation in eyes as well. There are few very effective natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome and prevent damages caused by the problem.
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Natural Ways To Get Relief From Dry Eye Syndrome
Turmeric – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dry Eyes Syndrome
Use of turmeric is one of the most effective natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. The best way to use this spice is by preparing a glass of almond milk. Soak few almonds 4-5 in number in water for 6-8 hours. Peel them off and grind to form a paste, add this paste to a glass of milk and boil it for 5-7 minutes. Add a teaspoon of turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 1/8 teaspoon of clove powder and two teaspoons of honey. Mix them well and drink the glass of milk once in a day for few days regularly. This is one of the effective natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome.
Bilberry – Natural Remedies for Healthy Eyes
Bilberry is excellent for eye health. This is capable of preventing macular degeneration, and itchiness and swelling. It improves functions of tear glands which are responsible for keeping ocular surface moist and wet. Use of bilberry is one of the useful natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. You can prepare a cup of tea by boiling dry or fresh leaves of bilberry to drink two three times in a day, this tea will supplement all the necessary nutrients which very effectively treat and prevent dry eye syndrome.
Mint Leaves – Natural Remedies to Treat Eyes Problem
Mint leaves are excellent natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. Take few leaves of mint and boil for 10-15 minutes with a glass of water in a utensil with lid. Later allow the mixture to cool down, when temperature of mixture is normal and strain. Wash your eyes with the remaining water and repeat 2-3 times in a day. On regular use this stimulates tear glands and keeps eyes moist and wet to prevent problems due to dry ocular surface.
Chamomile Tea – Natural Remedy to Get Relief from Dry Eyes
Chamomile tea of this herb is one of the useful natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. Boil a tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers with one and half cup of water for few minutes. Later allow the mixture to steep and strain it when it is warm. Add two teaspoons of honey and drink it, this tea is soothing and calming and also supplements powerful anti-inflammatory properties. A cup of this tea at night helps a person in gaining sound sleep which reenergizes eyes and cures problem of dryness.
Red Pepper Powder – Herbal Remedy to prevent Infections and Redness
This spice is rich in vitamin A and has awesome flavour, using this spice in meals is very useful and one of the easiest natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. Sprinkle some red pepper powder over salad or cooked vegetables during meals to keep ocular surface of eyes moist and wet and prevent infections and redness.
Artificial Tear Drops – Natural Treatment for Eyes Health
These too are reckoned as natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome. Artificial tears can provide relief from on-going problem but these are not so effective in resolving the problem. Artificial tear drops can treat temporary dryness occurring due to lack of sleep or strain on eyes. However, keeping them close if you suffer from the problem frequently is good to prevent damages caused to eyes by dryness. Thus, these can provide with the perfect weak eyesight cure.
Humidifier – Natural remedy to Treat Dry Eyes Syndrome
Using vaporizer or humidifier to keep air moist also works as one of the effective natural ways to get relief from dry eyes syndrome, however this method too does not resolve the problem. Moist air helps body in keeping ocular surface moist and prevents it from getting dry completely. Certain precautions also work as effective natural ways to get relief from dry eyes. Wearing sunglasses when out in the open and avoiding wearing contact lenses throughout the day, helps in treating the problem. Avoid going to smoky and hot places when experiencing dryness in eyes. Drink plenty of water during the day, ensure that you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day to suppress the problem.
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