Periodontitis or pyorrhoea is an advanced form of gum disease, this occurs due to regular inflammation and infection in gums which can cause bleeding, bad breath and even loss of the tooth. This can affect a person of any age and needs immediate attention.
Gingivitis, age, diabetes, poorly fitting dental supports, hormonal changes, use of tobacco products and heredity factors put a person to a higher risk of developing periodontitis. Home remedies for pyorrhoea and periodontitis are simple but very useful ways to prevent and cure the problem.
Home Remedies for Pyorrhea or Periodontitis
Coconut Oil – Herbal Remedy to Cure Periodontitis
Take a teaspoon of warm sesame or coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for a few minutes. Do not swallow the oil let it stay for a few minutes and spit it out. Rinse your mouth with plain water later and perform this regularly after brushing your teeth to cure periodontitis. This is one of the popular home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
Turmeric – Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pyorrhoea
Turmeric is rhizome with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; it provides a couple of useful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis. Take turmeric powder in sufficient quantity and brush your teeth with it. Let it stay in the mouth for a few minutes and rinse off with plain water later.
Another way of using this is by making a paste after adding a few drops of water or vitamin E oil. Apply this paste to affected gum and let it stay overnight. Rinse off with water in the morning both ways it works as one of the powerful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
Salt – Natural Remedy to Cure Periodontitis
Salt provides a couple of effective home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis. Take some salt about two or three teaspoons in quantity and add to a glass of warm water. Take a swig and move this solution in your mouth for 10-15 seconds, spit it out and take another swig, perform till solution lasts and repeat this process 2-3 times in a day.
This will diffuse inflammation and curb infection to cure the problem in a short time. Or you can add few drops of mustard oil to a half teaspoon of salt, rub teeth and gums with this mixture regularly after brushing your teeth with toothpaste to cure pyorrhoea in a short time.
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Herbal Remedies to Cure Gums Problems
- Pomegranate
- Pepper Powder
- Salt
Take two teaspoons of pomegranate, add half teaspoon of pepper powder and one teaspoon of salt to it; mix them well to form a paste. Apply this paste over gums and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with water later and perform this remedy twice in a day regularly for a couple of weeks to cure the problem. If pomegranate is not available use salt and pepper, these also provide desired effects in a short time. It is one of the useful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
Hydrogen Peroxide – Natural Way to Treat Periodontitis
Add hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts and rinse the mouth with this mixture. Swish this solution in mouth for 3-5 minutes and spit it out, rinse the mouth with plain water, later on, regular use it works as one of the powerful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis. You can also add a few drops of peroxide to baking soda and rub teeth and gums with the mixture. This too provides relief from inflammation and infection and cures the problem.
Margosa Leaves and Twigs – Herbal Remedies for Periodontitis
Margosa leaves and twigs both are good home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis. Take a twig and chew one end of it to split the twig into the thin brush-like structure, brush teeth with this end and perform this regularly. Or you can take few leaves of Margosa and crush them to form a paste, use this paste to brush gums and teeth twice in a day. Both ways it helps in flushing infection and curing the problem.
Holy Basil Tea – Home Remedy for Pyorrhoea
Prepare a cup of holy basil tea by boiling a few leaves in a cup of water, when this tea is warm swish the solution in your mouth for a few minutes and spit it out. Perform this after you have brushed your teeth. You can also drink a few cups of holy basil tea in a day to control the problem. Add powder of dry Holy basil leaves to your toothpaste and brush teeth regularly with this to cure the problem. All of these are useful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
Tea Tree Oil – Herbal Remedies for Teeth Problems
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth with the mixture. This oil has powerful antibacterial properties and provides one of the useful home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
Vegetable Juice – Natural Remedies to Get Healthy Teeth
Drinking vegetable juice regularly works very well for keeping oral health sound and upbeat. Mix carrot and spinach juice in equal parts and drink at least two or three glasses of their mixture in a day regularly. This mixture of vegetable juices will give boost to immunity and fight back infection-causing bacteria to provide relief.
Guava Leaves – Natural Remedies to Treat Gums Problems
Take few guava leaves and wash them thoroughly, chew these for 5-10 minutes and swish their juice all around the mouth. Spit the juice out and rinse off with plain water later. Or you can grind these leaves to form a paste and rub teeth and gums with this paste regularly. Both ways guava leaves provide simple but very effective home remedies for pyorrhoea or periodontitis.
The efficient amount of calcium also plays an important role in keeping teeth under good health. Thereby, having some calcium supplements to increase teeth strength and hygiene would be beneficial for keeping good tooth health.
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