Home Remedies

11 Best Home Remedies for Impetigo

Home Remedies for Impetigo

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection caused by staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes bacteria which causes fluid-filled blisters either red or yellowish in color. These contain yellow-colored fluid inside and appear in clusters, usually, young children are common victims of the problem and these mostly affect areas around mouth, neck, groin, and hands.

Wounds, insect bites, infestations, skin contact with an infected person or sharing clothes towels, etc., with an infected person allows the infection to spread. Young children, elderly people and those who have a weak immune system are at high risk of catching this infection. Home remedies for impetigo are natural ways to curb the infection and relieve the symptoms quickly and effectively.

Home Remedies for Impetigo

Coconut Oil – Home Remedy to Treat Impetigo Problem

Coconut Oil

Regular applications of coconut oil work as potent home remedies for impetigo. Coconut oil is beneficial even in the case when bacteria causing the infection become drug-resistant. Apply mildly warm coconut oil with the help of a cotton ball gently over blisters and let it stay. Apply 3 to 4 times regularly it will relieve the symptoms and flush the infection.

Tea Tree Oil – Natural Remedy to Relieve Symptoms of Impetigo

Tea tree oil is one of the best oils against bacterial and fungal infections and it works as one of the most effective home remedies for impetigo as well. Mix tea tree oil and any vegetable oil in equal parts, apply the mixture over blisters with the help of a cotton ball and let it stay for 20 to 25 minutes. Apply again after every four hours three to four times in a day and regularly till infection subsides. Similarly applications of olive oil also work as wonderful home remedies for impetigo. Do not mix olive oil with any other oil; apply it plain over blisters regularly three to four times in a day.

Garlic – Home Remedy to Cure Impetigo

Remedy to Cure Impetigo

Garlic works as one of the most effective internal as well as external home remedies for impetigo. Crush two-three cloves of garlic and collect the juice and pulp, apply this over blisters with the help of a cotton ball and let it stay for few minutes, later wipe off gently with dry cotton ball and allow remaining garlic juice to stay. Repeat this remedy one more time during the day. Or you can just chew two raw garlic cloves everyday to gain active antibodies to fight back bacterial infection from inside. Both ways garlic is one of the most useful home remedies for impetigo.

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Rice – Home Remedy to Relieve Symptoms of Skin Infections

Take two-three tablespoons of rice and boil them in water, collect the water after cooling the mixture when rice has cooked. Slice a turnip and add these slices to rice water. Let them stay in rice water for few hours and later consume one slice at a time three to four times in a day to cure impetigo. Turnip provides one of the most effective home remedies for impetigo.

Home Remedy for Impetigo Problem

Home Remedy for Impetigo Problem

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Garlic Oil

You can also wash the affected parts by mixing one cup of apple cider vinegar in two cups of warm water. The properties of apple cider vinegar are great for curbing bacterial infection and healing the blisters quickly. Application of plain garlic oil is also one of the simple and effective home remedies for impetigo. Apply garlic oil at least three-four times in a day and regularly till infection subsides.

Rosemary and Thyme Leaves – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Impetigo

Take one-fourth cup of rosemary and thyme leaves each, add them to two cups of water and boil the mixture. Let the mixture steep for another 10 minutes and later collect the water and use it for washing the blisters regularly. This works as one of the best home remedies for impetigo.

Myrrh Oil – Natural Impetigo Treatment

Myrrh Oil

Myrrh oil is another one of the best home remedies for impetigo. Take myrrh oil one teaspoon full and dilute it with at least four teaspoons of water. You can increase the quantity of mixture by increasing oil and water in the same ratio. Wash the affected parts at least two-three times in a day. This will curb the infection and help in relieving the symptoms.

Aloe Vera Gel – Home Remedy to Curb Skin Infection

Scrape fresh aloe vera gel by cutting two-three leaves and apply the gel over affected skin. Apply three to four times in the day it will relieve the symptoms and will curb the infection effectively. This is one of the best home remedies for impetigo.

Recommended reading:

Pure Aloe Vera Skin Moisturizing Cream

Manuka Honey – Home Remedy to Cure Impetigo

Home Remedy to Cure Impetigo

Consume two-three teaspoons of manuka honey twice in a day before meals. This honey has been found very effective in curing the infection. Consume manuka honey regularly till infection clears off, it is one of the trusted home remedies for impetigo.

Milk and Turmeric – Home Remedy to Curb Impetigo

Drink one glass of warm milk or water after adding a teaspoon of turmeric powder twice in a day. Turmeric boost-up immunity and help in curing the infection in a short time.

Grapes and Garlic – Home Remedy to Relieve Symptoms of Impetigo

Grapes and Garlic

Take some grapes and grind them with seeds, add two cloves of garlic and grind these too with grapes. Collect the juice and apply over affected skin with the help of a cotton ball. You can keep the juice in the refrigerator and use it during the day to apply three-four times, prepare fresh juice for the next day. On regular use, this works as one of the potent home remedies for impetigo.

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