Pimples or acne are most commonly found skin problems in adolescents and young males and females, home remedies for pimples have been found as the most effective and safe treatments to curb the problem. Pimples occur due to bacterial infection in sebum build-up beneath the skin.
During adolescent age hormonal changes take place inside the body, these changes trigger excessive sebum secretion, dead cells and external debris can clog the skin pores and prevent sebum from flowing-out.
This causes sebum build-up beneath the skin which when gets infected by bacteria, which is always present on the surface of the skin; the body’s inflammatory response forms blisters.
These blisters are called as pimples. Deeper the sebum build-up is, deeper is a pimple, and higher are its chances of leaving a mark or scar after healing.
Home remedies for pimples can prevent occurrences of blisters and heal them safely to prevent marks on the skin. These can also lighten existing marks and provide even tone to the skin.
Home Remedies for Pimples
Cucumber – Natural Remedy to Cure Pimples
Cucumber is used in salons and parlors for rejuvenating skin; its mash is also very useful and soothing home remedies for pimples.
Grind a piece of complete cucumber to form a thick paste, apply over the face or the area affected by acne and let this paste dry out completely, let it stay for an hour and later wash it off with lukewarm water to cure pimples quickly.
Vegetables – Herbal Remedy to Curb Acne
Vegetables provide very safe and effective home remedies for pimples. Grind tomato to form a paste and apply it as a mask over face, let it dry out and stay for a couple of hours, later wash it off with lukewarm water to curb acne and cure the blisters in a short time.
Orange Peels – Natural Remedy to Treat Pimples
Orange peels are wonderful home remedies for pimples and for skin tone and suppleness. Peel off a couple of oranges and let the skin dry in the Sun, grind them into a thin powder and add few teaspoons of water to form a thick paste.
Wear this paste as a mask for one hour, repeat this every alternate day for a week to vanish pimples completely.
After using this remedy one can see a substantial difference in glow and softness of the skin, this remedy prevents acne outbreaks too very effectively.
Honey – Home Remedy to Prevent Acne
Honey is also soothing for the skin and excellent infection preventer; this also provides a few very effective home remedies for pimples.
Grate an apple and form a paste, mix two teaspoons of honey and mix them together. Wear this paste as a mask for one hour and wash it off with normal water later to cure and prevent acne.
Turmeric and Mint Juice – Natural Remedy to Get Rid of Pimples
Turmeric is immensely useful in treating skin disorders; it also provides a few effective home remedies for pimples.
Application of turmeric paste with water, coriander juice or mint juice works as an effective treatment for acne, it not only treats existing blisters of acne but also prevents their outbreaks in the future by keeping skin free of harmful bacteria. These will provide you with natural pimple treatments.
Lemon – Home Remedy for Acne Free Skin
Squeeze a lemon and apply its juice directly on the pimples, let the juice dry out, but do not go out in the sun while wearing this juice as it can cause skin darkening.
Wash it off after an hour and see pimples go away quickly without any marks or rash. This is one of the best home remedies for pimples.
Neem Leaves – Natural Remedy for Glowing Skin
Neem leaves have powerful antibacterial properties, amongst most popular home remedies for pimples provided by neem is by applying a paste prepared with turmeric.
Take 10 to 12 leaves and grate them to form a paste, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix them well, apply this paste on the affected parts and let it dry out.
This works wonderfully for treating as well as preventing outbreaks of acne.
If one has oily skin then acne can be more severe, for those who have oily skin taking steam twice in a day work as one of the best home remedies for pimples.
Boil a few glasses of water in a bowl, cover the head with a towel and take the steam on the face, take off your face for few seconds when skin feels like burning.
Let the face cool down and wash it with only herbal soap to treat existing pimples and also prevent their reoccurrence.
Garlic – Home Remedy to Gain Sensitive Skin
Garlic also provides one of the best home remedies for pimples but this is not for those who have sensitive skin.
Crush few cloves of garlic and apply the paste directly on the affected part, let it stay for half an hour and later wash it off.
Garlic has many compounds that will kill bacteria infecting sebum and will also hasten the healing process of blisters. For those who have sensitive skin consuming raw garlic can be very beneficial.
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Home Remedies for Pimples
Home Remedy to Clear Pimples and Acne
- Eggs
- Holy Basil
- Neem Leaves
Eggs also provide one of the useful home remedies for pimples, grate 3 to 4 eggs and apply the paste on the affected part, let the paste stay for half an hour and wash it off later.
Repeat this regularly for a week to clear pimples. Washing face with water boiled with Holy basil and Neem leaves is also a very effective remedy to prevent acne outbreaks, make sure that water is lukewarm and not too hot or cold.
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