Home Remedies

8 Home Remedies for Acne Free Skin

Home Remedies for Acne Free Skin

Acne is skin condition which occurs due to a combination of overactive sebaceous glands and blocked pores of the skin; these can reoccur again and are most active during adolescent age.

These if grow deeper or few blisters occur at a small part of the skin can leave a permanent mark after healing, their frequent outbreaks can make skin rough and lifeless and bring-in early wrinkling.

The pimple or acne do look nasty particularly over face and is a common problem which human beings face. Home remedies for acne free skin prevent their outbreaks and also cure existing pimples in a short time keeping skin shiny, soft and supple.

Home Remedies for Acne Free Skin

Apple Cider Vinegar – Natural Remedy to Prevent Acne

Apple cider vinegar works as one of the easiest home remedies for acne-free skin. You can try this remedy regularly to prevent acne outbreak and removing blackheads and whiteheads before they turn into a pimple.

Wash face with cold water and pat it dry, mix one part of vinegar with 3 parts of water and dab a cotton ball in it. Apply this mixture with the help of cotton ball over affected skin and let the mixture stay overnight.

Wash off with water in the morning and apply a mild moisturizer to remove dryness caused by vinegar.

Honey and Cinnamon Powder – Home Remedy to Remove Acne Scars

Take two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Add these and blend them well. Apply this paste over the face or affected part and let it stay for 15 minutes at least.

Later wash off with plain water and scrub off the paste with a paper towel. Repeat this remedy regularly it works as one of the best home remedies for acne-free skin.

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Garlic – Best Home Remedy for Acne Free Skin

Garlic provides effective home remedies for acne-free skin. The simplest of them is consuming 2 to 3 garlic cloves every day in raw form.

If this is too harsh for you to crush few cloves and apply the juice over affected part, let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off, repeat this regularly to cure existing acne.

You can also try another remedy by taking a teaspoon of garlic oil and heating a bit, apply this oil over affected parts and let it stay overnight, in the morning wash off with plain water and repeat regularly. All of these are very useful home remedies for acne-free skin.

Tea Tree Oil – Home Remedy to Remove Acne Scars

Tea tree oil provides one of the strongest home remedies for acne-free skin. Mix one part of tea tree oil with 9 parts of water and dab a cotton ball to apply over affected parts.

Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes and wash off with plain water. Try this mixture for a week if you have stubborn acne you can increase the strength by decreasing water parts from nine to eight and so on, but try the mixture for at least a week before increasing its strength any further.

Another way of using tea tree oil is by mixing two drops of oil with a teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel, apply the paste over affected part and let it stay for some time, later wash off with water. Both ways tea tree oil provides very effective home remedies for acne-free skin.

Cucumber Face Mask – Home Remedy for Acne free Skin

If you face frequent acne outbreaks, practice an easy to use remedy by grating a cucumber and applying the paste over face and affected parts. Let the paste stay for 20 minutes and wash off with water.

Repeat this remedy regularly, it works as one of the effective home remedies for acne-free skin and also provides glow and shine to the skin. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to cucumber paste for even better results.

For more on acne, check out:

Herbal Acne Supplements, Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples
Home Remedies for Pimples- Get Rid of Acne

Neem Leaves and Turmeric Powder – Natural Treatment to Treat Acne

Take a handful of Neem leaves and grind with some water to make a paste, add half teaspoon of turmeric powder to the paste and mix them well. Apply over affected parts and let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.

Wash off and repeat this regularly to cure and prevent acne. This is one of the oldest home remedies for acne-free skin.

Potato – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Acne

The potato provides one of the simplest home remedies for acne-free skin. Grate a peeled potato to form a paste, apply this paste over affected part and let it stay for 20 to 30 minutes. Later wash off with warm water and repeat the remedy regularly to prevent acne from developing.

Rubbing tomato pulp is also very effective and easy to use home remedies for acne-free skin, blend tomatoes in the quantity you need and rub pulp and juice in circular motions over face particularly over affected parts with a cotton ball. Let it stay and wash off with warm water later.

Avocado and Honey – Natural Remedies to Provide Acne Free Skin

Take a fruit of avocado and cut it into small pieces and grind them to form a paste. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix and grind them together till they form a paste.

Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry, apply this paste over affected part and let it stay for 20 minutes and later wash off with lukewarm water again. Regular use of this remedy works as one of the best acne home remedies.

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One thought on “8 Home Remedies for Acne Free Skin

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