There are many defects, disorders, and diseases which can occur due to genetic reasons and trauma to cause weakness in eyesight. Almost all the problems which are causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers show up after a few weeks of birth.
Some can be identified and treated within a few weeks of birth but some are difficult to notice at an early age and get treated at a later age.
Out of these, there are certain problems that can aggravate as time progresses, and harm overall eye functions and lead to permanent weakness in eyesight.
Causes of Weak Eyesight in Children and Toddlers
Ocular Muscle Problems
The eye lens is connected through ocular muscles which make them move and focus, Strabismus is one of the most common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers which can throw two eyes out of alignment.
The eyes can align inwards, outwards, downwards and upwards depending upon the muscle which is affected. This prevents proper visual functions and image formation over retina to cause weakness in eyesight.
This can be noticed around the age of 6 months and shall be treated before the age of two years to prevent any permanent damage to vision.
Nystagmus is also called as a jumpy or jerky eye which is signified by involuntary eye movement. Usually, it affects only one eye but in some cases, both the eyes get affected.
Ocular trauma is another one of the common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers. If ocular muscles get punctured, lacerated or injured accidentally these cause weakness in eyesight which needs immediate medical attention to protect vision.
Optic Atrophy
This problem occurs due to a number of reasons and does not show any other symptom than poor vision or un-improving vision with age.
The eyes appear normal and wearing glasses does not improve eyesight. It is too one of the common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers.
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
This problem does not have any treatment as it occurs due to regressed optic nerve or malformation of the brain.
It is one of the major causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers and is a condition that occurs due to neurological insult during the pre-natal phase or due to endocrine disorders.
The cloudiness of the lens of the eye which depletes vision can be identified within a few weeks of birth and can be treated at any age.
If left untreated in a young child it causes severe damage to vision by not allowing proper development of retinal functions. This too is one of the common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers.
Infantile Glaucoma
This problem occurs when there is an imbalance in the production of aqueous fluid and drainage of this fluid which causes a build-up of intraocular pressure.
This problem shows external symptoms and shall be treated at the earliest to prevent any permanent damage to vision.
Refractive Errors
This is a kind of defect that can be treated by glasses or by lenses in the case of toddlers. This problem causes near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
If identified in a child less than a year old it shall be treated immediately as a child’s eyes are still developing and refractive errors may cause malformation or under-development of retinal functions.
This is one of the most common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers.
Retinopathy of Prematurity
It is estimated that nearly 25% of prematurely born babies develop retinopathy which causes poor vision or blindness. If a child is premature ROP is one of the main causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers.
By proper treatment progression of the disease can be checked and if treated at an early age the damage can be minimized.
Pre-Natal Causes
Some problems which are common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers occur during the pre-natal phase like clefts in the iris, dislocated the lens, and syndrome-related abnormalities.
These problems lead to vision-related problems and show external symptoms which can be treated at an early age.
These are the most common causes of weak eyesight in children and toddlers. Conjunctiva is the most common type of infection which causes weak eyesight in children and toddlers.
Amongst other herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis are commonly found infections causing weak eyesight.
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Generally, poor hygiene and improper care during pregnancy are major reasons for all these problems which deteriorate vision and eye functions in the child.
Trauma and injuries during or immediately after birth are other causes of the problem. Some children are born with myopia and retinal detachment, myopia is easily treatable while retinal detachment is a very rare condition.
Noticing a child’s behavior particularly within the first two years of his or her life can give a clear picture of vision-related issues if there are any.
However, some problems become evident at a later age when the child is needed to focus and see near and far objects clearly.
Avoiding certain habits like too much TV, video games and computer use can prevent any other problem from surging-up and maintain sharper vision. These will surely go to provide the weak eyesight cure.
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Wow, great post. Really thank you! Keep writing.