Involuntary loss of semen or sperms in males is a category of health problem which is referred to as spermatorrhea. Any condition that promotes involuntary loss of semen in the unexcited state falls under this category.
Ejaculating while passing stool is also a type of spermatorrhea, which is a sign of debilities in the male body and reproductive system. The occasional occurrence of discharge is not treated as a problem.
Causes of Sperm Leakage During Stool Passing
Males suffering from temporary constipation can discharge during or after bowel movement due to excessive pressure applied to pass stools. Many times males get excited during the day or during sleep.
Such excitement causes fluid secretion in the reproductive system which may get released during a bowel movement. But males, ejaculating while passing stools frequently are victims of the problem which needs treatment.
To stop sperm leakage while passing stool one needs proper treatment to protect health and potency.
Semen discharge during bowel movement is a symptom of serious debilities in the reproductive system. These debilities can arise due to poor diet, lifestyle, health issues, and psychological problems.
Males can also suffer from weaknesses and disorders due to bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc. and due to abusive sexual practices like hand-practice, too much involvement with erotic material, etc. medication and use of OTC medicines like sedatives, antacids, laxatives, etc.
Males suffering from chronic constipation also find discharge after or during a bowel movement. These factors cause trouble for certain organs of the male body and male begins ejaculating while passing stool frequently.
Weakness in nerves is one of the major reasons for semen with bowel movement. Sperms are produced in testicles and are kept stored.
Nerves keep sperms protected and prevent them from flowing out until male wishes to. But due to various reasons like smoking, health issues, OTC medicines, etc. nerves become weak and lethargic.
Lethargic nerves cannot keep sperms locked and allow them to flow out on slight excitement or pressure. These sperms get accumulated in the urethra and passed out with urine.
Poor prostate gland health is another major reason behind male ejaculating while passing stool. Congestion, enlargement, and inflammation in the prostate gland are conditions due to which sperm comes out during stool passing.
The congested prostate gland has fluid build-up around it and when pressure is applied to pass stool the fluids ooze onto the urinary canal and urethra and come out.
Enlarged or swollen prostate gland constricts urinary canal. Due to constriction when male ejaculates during lovemaking part of semen get trapped in the urethra and not ejaculated. This remaining part comes out when male passes stools.
Prostatitis is a bacterial infection in the prostate gland which makes it swollen. This can be acute and chronic. Flares of prostatitis can bring frequent episodes of problem.
Apart from these health conditions which exhaust the reproductive system and affect nerve functions negatively are also causes of the problem.
Obesity, long sitting hours, cycling riding, etc. are certain conditions which irritate male’s prostate gland and sperm comes out during stool passing.
Once a male begins ejaculating while passing stool frequently proper treatment shall be taken as side effects of this problem aggravate quickly and can cause serious harm to male’s health and potency.
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To stop sperm leakage while passing stool males can try natural methods at home. These methods are a few changes in dietary and lifestyle regimen but have been found very useful in handling the problem.
If the problem of spermatorrhea is occurring due to mild to moderate reasons natural methods in the form of dietary and lifestyle changes are efficient enough to relieve it.
For treating the problem occurring due to more serious kind of reasons herbs are recommended which are natural remedies for all sorts of health problems. All these treatments are convenient and can be used at home by a male of any age.
Fiber-Rich Foods
Include fiber-rich foods in the diet to prevent sperm discharge after a bowel movement. Dietary fiber improves metabolism and helps in expelling harmful chemicals and acids and compounds which get accumulated in the system.
These harmful substances cause slow digestion and constipation and trigger the problem of sperm loss with stools. Veggies and wholegrain are good sources of dietary fiber so all types of green veggies and wholegrain like oats, barley, quinoa, etc. shall be taken with a regular diet.
Yogurt also helps in suppressing the problem by improving metabolism and digestion. 1-2 bowls of yogurt in a day is a good natural remedy for spermatorrhea. Fruits are good sources of antioxidants and vitamins.
Red Fruits
Red fruits particularly help to prevent ejaculating while passing stool. Avocado is nutritious fruit which can be used as a natural remedy for spermatorrhea.
Milk provides a useful natural way to treat spermatorrhea. Drinking a glass of hot milk before bedtime can prevent sperm discharge after bowel movement. For more effective treatment boil a glass of milk with few strands of saffron and drink.
A glass of milk boiled with deseeded four pieces of dates and consumed twice in a day also helps in treating the problem. Use of cow’s milk is best for handling spermatorrhea.
Garlic, onion, and tomatoes are good spices and veggie for treating the problem of sperm with bowel movement. Use tomatoes in cooking as cooked tomatoes are more beneficial and supplement antioxidants which handle the prostate problem efficiently.
Garlic and Onion
Garlic and onion are anti-bacterial and also aphrodisiac in nature. 3-4 cloves of raw garlic and a medium-sized onion in raw form in a day are good ways to handle the problem.
Asparagus and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and zinc are excellent natural remedies for semen with stool problem.
Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are good sources of zinc and one can get sufficient dosage of omega-3 fatty acids through flaxseeds, fish and fish oil to handle the problem.
Switching to a healthy dietary regimen are also very useful natural ways to control the problem of involuntary loss of semen. Stay active during the day. Avoid long sitting hours or lethargic daily routine. If you are in sitting job take a walk after every couple of hours to maintain blood flow.
Regular exercises like walking, jogging, etc. help to prevent ejaculating while passing stool. A physically active lifestyle and walking improve digestion and also keep blood flow towards the pelvic region healthy to maintain nerve and reproductive system functions higher.
Take sufficient sleep and rest to counter stress. Avoid harmful activities like hand-practice, porn material, etc. completely. These aggravate weaknesses and make the problem serious.
Limit or cut-out smoking, alcoholism, etc. Strictly eliminate drugs or other kinds of highly intoxicating recreational products. Drink plenty of water not only it keeps one energized but also facilitates digestion and smooth bowel movement.
Avoid excessive tea, coffee, junk, and processed food items to maintain digestion healthy. Drink herbal teas during the day. Sage, licorice, fenugreek, and cinnamon teas are good herbal teas which help to prevent ejaculating while passing stool and supplement vital nutrients to keep one energized.
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Natural Treatment for Sperm Discharge After Bowel Movement
If natural methods fail to provide desired results use of herbs along with natural treatment surely alleviates the problem. Herbs are natural remedies which possess innate properties. These properties are beneficial in treating health problems that affect human beings.
Ayurveda is the biggest system of medicine which has analyzed and documented properties of innumerable herbs. Combination of right kind of herbs in proper dosage provides holistic treatment to the problem of sperm with stool.
These natural remedies not only stop the problem and cure it but also reverse its ill-effects on health. The positive impact of herbs take a male’s vitality, virility, and potency to a much higher level and provide him much pleasurable and healthier life.
Today one can use herbs at the convenience of home. Herbal supplements are designed and developed for treating health problems through herbs. No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are two most reliable supplements which provide holistic and fast treatment for sperm loss after bowel movement.
These supplements come with multiple herbs as ingredients. Use of these supplements in combination addresses the root causes of the problem and alleviates the problem.
Since herbs treat the problem by curing its causes the results are long-lasting in nature and male stays away from the problem in the future.
Herbs invigorate the body’s natural mechanism to resolve problems by improving the body’s internal functions and processes these provide numerous other benefits which other treatments fail to deliver.
In case of semen after bowel movement males by using No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules in combination for sufficient duration gain enviable vitality, virility, and vigor and lead a passionate love-life later.
These supplements are easy to use. Even in the rush of daily life, one can use these as there is no complicated method of use.
Due to purely herbal nature, No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules do not require any prescription before use these are non-contradictory and males undergoing any other treatment can also use these without any worries.
By using No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules one gets benefits of nerve tonic, aphrodisiac, nutritive, hormone balancing, purgatory and anti-aging herbs with each dose. Nerve tonic herbs repair damaged nerves and strengthen weak ones to stop involuntary loss of sperms.
Aphrodisiac herbs elevate the level of testosterone hormone and provide a male rejuvenated and reenergized reproductive system. These herbs improve testicular functions and increase sperm count to boost-up male’s virility and fertility.
Nutritive herbs supplement bioactive nutrition which gets absorbed in the body directly and eliminates deficiencies. These herbs improve energy production and keep a male high on stamina and strength.
Purgatory and anti-aging herbs cleanse the internal system and make it free from harmful toxins and debilitating free-radicals. Male gains sound health and stay protected from disorders and weaknesses due to the effect of purgatory and anti-aging herbs.
Hormone balancing herbs maintain male’s health and energy level higher and also resolve psychological issues. These supplements not only provide holistic treatment for semen with stool problem but much pleasurable, happier and healthy life to a male naturally.
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