Low blood pressure is a serious condition. This condition needs to be treated at the right time. Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension.
When blood pressure is lower than the normal value, one will experience symptoms like fainting, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, palpitations, blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, cold, clammy skin, etc.
Low blood pressure is not always dangerous. Those who are fit and have ideal weight might experience low blood pressure (below 120/80 mmHg) at times. They are not in danger as long as they don’t exhibit the symptoms. There are many effective herbs for low blood pressure.
However, things can go wrong when the readings remain low consistently around 90/60 mmHg. In that case, it would be called hypotension. Low blood pressure can result in inadequate blood flow to organs like heart, kidneys, and brain and it can be troublesome when persists.
There can be several reasons for this condition. Prolonged bed rest, dehydration, lack of nutrition, heart issues, decrease in blood volume, neurological conditions, endocrine disorders, etc.
Certain medications also can be villains. Increasing salt intake and fluid intake are very important when it comes to dealing with low blood pressure. However, you need to consult the doctor before increasing salt consumption. There are many effective herbs for low blood pressure and let’s take a close look at the list of those herbs.
Powerful Herbs for Low Blood Pressure
Salt Water Treatment for Low Blood Pressure
Saltwater treatment is for low blood pressure. Saltwater has the ability to deal with low blood pressure in an effective manner. However, one should never go overboard with this treatment as it can lead to negative results. Simply mix one and a half teaspoon salt in a glass of water and drink it. You are also recommended to drink sports beverages.
Coffee Plant – Natural Remedy to Deal with Low Blood Pressure
The coffee plant is one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. Studies have revealed that having a cup of coffee can deal with hypotension in a natural manner.
All the caffeine beverages are recommended for dealing with this. If you experience low blood pressure once in a while then it would be helpful in having the habit of drinking coffee in the morning.
This can be especially helpful if we are talking about orthostatic hypotension. However, caffeine should be taken in limited quantity as an excess of it is not good for the body.
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Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Raisins – Herbal Remedy to Treat Blood Pressure
Raisins are one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. This has been a powerful Ayurveda remedy for very long. It has the natural ability to deal with hypotension.
Soak 30 to 40 raisins in a glass of water overnight. Eat them in the morning in empty stomach. You are also advised to drink the water. Continue with this remedy for a couple of weeks or months. This is an effective herb in dealing with low blood pressure in a natural manner.
Holy Basil – Natural Remedy to Reduce Blood Pressure
Holy basil is one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. This herb has the ability to reduce blood pressure in a natural manner. This herb is said to be a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and pantothenic. It also helps reduce stress in an effective manner. It helps balance the mind as well.
Extract the juice of 25 basil leaves and mix two teaspoon honey in it. Drink it in the early morning in empty stomach. Also, eating 5 basil leaves in the morning is also recommended.
Licorice Root – Best Herbs for Low Blood Pressure
Licorice root one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. This is one of the effective herbs in dealing with low blood pressure. It blocks the enzymes and breaks down cortisol. It also promotes healthy adrenalin function. This is also very effective in dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Prepare licorice root tea and drink it on a daily basis to deal with low blood pressure. This is available in the supplement form as well. Take 400 to 500 mg in that case.
Beetroot – Natural Remedy to Deal with Low Blood Pressure
Beetroot is one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. Raw beetroot juice is considered to be very effective in dealing with low blood pressure. Drink a cup of beetroot juice on a daily basis for a couple of weeks to see the effectiveness of it.
Almond – Home Remedy to Maintain Blood Pressure
Almond is as effective as herbs for low blood pressure. Almonds and milk are said to be an effective herbal remedy for dealing with low blood pressure. This is one of the most popular home remedies for dealing with this condition. Soak 7 to 8 almonds in water overnight. Peel the skin in the morning and grind the almond to make a fine paste. Add this paste in a cup of warm milk and drink it. Do this in the early morning for a couple of weeks.
Rosemary – Effective Herbs for Low Blood Pressure
Rosemary is one of the effective herbs for low blood pressure. It is said to be very effective as it stimulates the central nervous system, which will improve blood circulation in a natural manner. You can have up to 10 ml rosemary tincture per day. Add this herbal ingredient into your food.
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