Lumbago or low back pain is one of the common musculoskeletal pains that affect the human body. Low back has bladders, nerves, and a complex joint which is subjected to regular and sudden pressure. These make this region prone to suffer from pains. There are numerous causes of lumbago but in most of the cases, it is extremely difficult even for doctors to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem.
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated disc, degenerative discs, spondylolisthesis, thoracic spinal stenosis, lumbar spinal stenosis, oxygen deprivation, tumors, abnormal foot pronation, ankylosing spondylitis, pregnancy, fractures, and injuries are few causes of lumbago.
Other than these mineral deficiencies, too soft bed, wrong sitting posture, lethargic lifestyle, obesity, strenuous lifestyle and long sitting hours are common causes of lumbago. Home remedies for lumbago are effective ways to relieve pain and stiffness.
Home Remedies for Lumbago
Coriander Seeds and Cuscus Grass – Home Remedy for Lumbago
Take 60 gram of wheat in seed form and soak it with water, let the mixture sit overnight, in the morning add 30 gram each of coriander seeds and cuscus grass. Add this mixture to 250 ml of milk and boil on a low flame and let the mixture boil till it gets reduced to two-third of its initial volume. Later let the mixture cool down and when it is bearably warm drink after straining. This is one of the best home remedies for lumbago.
Mustard Oil and Camphor – Home Remedy to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Massages also work as potent home remedies for lumbago. You can use two types of oils for massaging low back area. Take half cup of mustard oil and heat it to make it warm. Now add a teaspoon of grounded camphor and mix them well. Use this oil to massage low back area twice in a day and for few days regularly. After massage cover the entire area with warm towel for few minutes or take a shower with warm water.
Garlic Oil – Home Remedy to Treat Lumbago
Another way of massaging low back is by using warm garlic oil, you can get garlic oil from the market or you can make it at home too. Just add 10 cloves of garlic to 50 ml of any vegetable oil and boil the mixture till garlic cloves turn dark brown or black in color, strain and discard garlic cloves and store the oil. Use this oil after making it warm to massage low back region regularly for few days. Take a warm water shower after massage. Both of these are tremendous home remedies for lumbago.
Home Remedy to Get Rid of Lumbago
- Tea Powder
- Cloves and Black Pepper
- Ginger
Take one and a half cup of water and add two teaspoons of your regular tea powder to it, boil the mixture for couple of minutes, add 5 cloves, 5 black peppercorns and a gram of dried and powdered ginger. Let the mixture boil for few more minutes, cover the utensil and later allow it to cool down a bit. Strain and drink when the tea is warm. Repeat this twice in a day and supplement it by drinking plenty of water during the day. This is one of the best home remedies for lumbago.
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Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey – Home Remedy to Cure Lower Back Pain
Drinking apple cider vinegar and massaging the troubled area with it, are also couple of effective home remedies for lumbago. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink through the day. Or add two tablespoons of honey to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and drink once in day. Both ways apple cider vinegar work as effective internal treatment and useful home remedies for lumbago.
You can also massage the affected part with two teaspoons of vinegar or you can wrap a cloth covering cotton or cloth dabbed in a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar, let it remain for few hours. All of these work as effective home remedies for lumbago.
Potato Paste – Home Remedy to Treat Lumbago
Potato paste is another one of the best home remedies for lumbago. Just grate a potato and spread its paste over entire low back region, you can tie a bandage also to hold it at place, let the paste remain for couple of hours and repeat it regularly for few days.
Ginger, Turmeric and Honey – Home Remedy to Prevent Lumbago
Ginger and turmeric together provide one of the strong home remedies for lumbago and for all type musculoskeletal pains. Boil a cup of water and add a two inches piece of crushed ginger, let the mixture boil for few minutes and later allow it to cool down. When mixture is warm add teaspoon of turmeric powder and two teaspoons of honey and drink. You can repeat this remedy twice in a day it works as a powerful anti-inflammatory and flushes toxins out of the system.
Avoid sudden or excessive pressure on low back, sit and sleep over a hard surface and do not sit for long hours straight, take a break after every two hours. Do not sit with your back pocket stuffed with wallet or other things, this will shift the pressure over one side of the back and cause problems. Drink plenty of water and eat anti-inflammatory foods more in quantity like pineapple, apples, leafy vegetables, kelp, lemon, ginger, garlic, onion etc., in meals.
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