Scabies is a contagious skin condition. It’s not an easy condition to deal with. Usually, this condition attacks children and young people. Since it is contagious, it is better to keep away from the patient as much as possible.
In case if the patients go into the middle of the crowd or something, chances are high for many people to catch this disease.
In that case, it is really important to keep this condition under control. Most people prefer natural treatment for scabies for various reasons.
Why people prefer natural treatment for scabies? Well, there are several reasons attached to it. First and foremost, it doesn’t come with the complication of any side effect. That makes it extremely safe for consumption.
There is a well-known mite called Sarcoptes Scabies is what causes this condition. This mite has the ability to stealth under human skin for a long time. The common symptoms are redness, itching, rashes, intense pain, etc. Blisters and swelling are also expected.
Since it’s a contagious disease, one should be careful not to share personal belongings with the patient. Above all, avoid lovemaking. There are many effective natural remedies for this condition.
Natural treatment for scabies is the most trusted compare to other methods.
Natural Treatment for Scabies
Soaking – Best Method for Scabies
Soaking the affected area in cold water is an effective natural treatment for scabies. Try to keep the affected area in cool water for nearly 20 minutes during each session. After that, use a towel to dry the affected area.
Using calamine lotion in the affected area will provide faster results compared to any other method. Try to do this several times a day. This is a very effective natural remedy for this condition and it should be continued for several days for maximum effectiveness.
Tea Tree Oil – Herbal Remedy to Cure Skin Allergies
Tea tree oil is an effective natural treatment for scabies. Presence of the compound called terpinene-4 will be very useful in getting rid of the parasites which are behind this condition.
Moreover, the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil will come in handy in dealing with this condition in the most effective manner. It works really well in killing the bacteria.
Take one teaspoon each of olive oil and tea tree oil and mix it. Apply this lotion on the area where it’s affected. Applying it two times a day would be very useful in handling it in an effective manner.
However, try to do it for 3 weeks for a positive result. Also, try to bathe in the water with tea tree oil. It will find a natural cure for scabies.
Neem Oil – Natural Remedy to Get Rid of Scabies
Neem oil is an effective natural treatment for scabies. It is considered as a very effective botanical pesticide which can do wonders when it comes to any skin problem including scabies.
Since it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, it is perfect for dealing with this condition. It can effectively stop the growth of scabies. How to use it?
Use neem oil to gently massage the affected area. You should take a bath right after the massage. If you are able to do this on a regular basis for 3 to 4 weeks, one will be able to witness positive results.
Also, one can go for another method in which one can make a cream with an equal amount of neem oil and turmeric powder. Apply this cream on the affected area and one will see amazing results in no-time.
Apply this on the affected area and wash it off after 50 minutes. Try to repeat it 3 times a day for 4 weeks. Neem oil can be a very powerful agent in dealing with all sorts of skin conditions including this one.
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Neem Leaves – Natural Remedy to Treat Skin Problems
Neem leaves are an effective natural treatment for scabies. Since it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, it can come in handy in dealing with this condition. It is excellent in getting rid of itching and discomfort. Apply neem leaves paste on the affected area and wash it off after 1 hour.
Cayenne Pepper – Home Remedy to Curb Skin Disorders
Cayenne pepper is an effective natural treatment for scabies. It is an effective natural remedy for killing and burning mites which are behind this condition. Mix one cup of cayenne pepper in hot bathtub and bath in this water. Do this on a daily basis for 3 to 4 weeks to see the difference.
Turmeric – Home Remedy to Deal with Scabies
Turmeric is an effective natural treatment for scabies. Turmeric is excellent in dealing with all sorts of skin conditions.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties attached to it and that will come in handy in dealing with this condition effectively. Make a paste of lemon juice and turmeric powder and apply it on the affected area.
Zinc – Natural Remedy to Get Rid of Fungus Infection
Zinc is an effective natural treatment for scabies. Zinc will be able to prevent the spreading of the fungus. One will be able to get rid of all sorts of skin infections with the help of zinc.
Grind 2 zinc tablets to make a fine powder. To make a thick paste, add turmeric as well. Apply this on the affected area and wash it off after 30 minutes.
White Vinegar – Effective natural Treatment for Scabies
White vinegar is an effective natural treatment for scabies. It helps in maintaining the pH level of the skin.
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