Men Health

8 Powerful Herbs for Premature Ejaculation

Herbs for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a worrisome condition for any man considering the fact that it can come in the way of his intimacy with his partner. The person releases sperm too quickly when it comes to this condition and that can seriously destroy the lovemaking experience for his partner.

This is one of the common problems for men above 40. As far as the causes are concerned, both physical and psychological reasons play. There are many effective herbs for premature ejaculation (PE) which can keep this condition under control in an effective manner.

Meditation is as good as herbs for premature ejaculation. Deep breathing can come in handy as far as dealing with this condition is concerned.

Yoga has many breathing techniques which will come in handy in dealing with this condition in an effective manner.

Deep breathing has the ability to control tension and arousal which results in early discharge. Deep breathing has the natural ability to give instant control of the body and mind.

This condition is directly connected to mind and sense. So, coming down heavily on the breathing can be a huge plus as far as dealing with this condition is concerned.

Effective Herbs for Premature Ejaculation Cure

Shilajit – Natural Herbs for Premature Ejaculation


Shilajit is one of the effective natural remedies to prevent early discharge. This is a mineral with organic components in it and it is basically seen in Himalayan valleys.

This herb is extremely powerful in dealing with PE in a natural manner. It provides the endurance to men. It’s a semi-solid substance which is seen during the summer. It is formed over several centuries. Certain herbal plants get decomposed under the layers of snow for several years to form this powerful gummy herb.

It is considered to be an excellent choice for increasing the overall energy levels of the body. It will improve the strength of the body in a natural fashion.

It also has the ability to increase libido in a natural fashion. It has the natural ability to help prevent several diseases such as low sperm count and impotence.

Salab Misri – Herbal Remedy to Improve Sexual Health

Salab Misri is one of the effective herbs for premature ejaculation. It has the natural ability to improve the performance in bed.

It is well-known as an aphrodisiac which improves the lovemaking. It improves sexual health and fights many diseases and weaknesses when it comes to lovemaking.

This plant is an orchid which is usually seen in cold areas. It is seen in India. It is very effective in dealing with a number of conditions including impotence, ED, and PE.

Ashwagandha – Natural Remedy to Deal with PE


Ashwagandha is one of the effective herbs for premature ejaculation. This herb is said to be one of the prestigious herbs. It is excellent in dealing with Vata dosha. It works as a great energy tonic for the body. Overall strength and energy will get improved with the consumption of this herb. Also, it is a very well-known aphrodisiac. It is widely referred to as Indian ginseng. It works as a sexual stimulant.

It has the ability to deal with number of diseases including impotence, lack of desire and erectile dysfunction.

Another added advantage is that this herb will be able to improve libido in a natural fashion with regular use.

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Safed Musli – Herbal Remedy to Cure PE Problems

Safed Musli is one of the effective herbal remedies for premature ejaculation. It is a very well-known stimulant for lovemaking.

It is also renowned as an effective aphrodisiac. It has the ability to supply energy. It also plays a very good role in improving blood circulation to the male genitals, which will be very effective for a good erection.

It also helps increase sperm count and libido. Above all, this herb has the natural ability to keep weakness like early discharge away.

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Stop-and-Start Method – Natural Way to Increase Sexual Power

The stop-and-start method is an effective way to delay the discharge of sperm during lovemaking. This can be done during hand practice. You can do it in private.

What you will be basically doing is to stop right before ejaculation and then start again. You will do this a few times a day to get rid of PE. This method is very effective in keeping this condition under control.

Kegel Exercise – Natural Treatment to Deal with PE

Kegel Exercise

Kegel exercise is an effective remedy to prevent early discharge of sperm. This exercise will strengthen the pelvic region, which will be very effective in dealing with early discharge in a natural manner. It will strengthen the PC muscles which will be beneficial in dealing with this condition.

Squeeze Method – Natural Treatment to Increase Erection

The squeeze method is another powerful natural method to get rid of PE problem. In this method, you will squeeze the base of the male organ which will reduce the erection. This should be done several times in a stop and start method. It should be done right before attaining an orgasm. You can also get it done with the help of your partner during lovemaking.

Herbal Remedies to Treat PE

Last but not least, for maximum effectiveness, one is recommended to use the powerful herbal remedies Lawax capsule and Vital M-40 capsule since both have natural herbs for premature ejaculation.

Lawax capsule will be very effective in dealing with the symptoms of PE while Vital M-40 capsule will act as a source for energy. Consuming both these herbal remedies for 3 to 4 months will provide amazing results.

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One thought on “8 Powerful Herbs for Premature Ejaculation

  1. Benjamin says:

    Good info

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