‘Hot flashes’ is a symptom associated with menopause and perimenopause, which happens to most women. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms when it comes to menopause.
But studies have revealed that hot flashes are very common. The same study reveals that more than 85% of women went through hot flashes during the first and second years of menopause.
Sadly, hot flashes continue to occur for many years even after menopause in case of many women out there. There are several effective herbal remedies for hot flashes.
Why should one prefer herbal remedies for hot flashes over the rest?
Well, herbal remedies don’t offer side effects compared to other treatments. Also, herbal remedies bring long-lasting results.
Let’s take a look at some of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes below.
Herbal Remedies for Hot Flashes
Black Cohosh – Herbal Remedies to Provide Relief from Hot Flashes
Black cohosh is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. This is a plant which is widely used in Europe to deal with menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes.
Several studies have revealed that it works like oestrogen to provide great relief from this condition. It also stops excessive sweating, which will come in handy to treat this condition in a natural manner.
Flaxseed Oil – Herbal Remedies for Hot Flashes
Flaxseed oil is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. Flaxseed oil has fatty acids which are very effective in handling menopausal symptoms.
Flax has plant lignans which work like oestrogen, which is very effective in increasing oestrogen levels in a natural manner. Increased oestrogen levels mean fewer troubles regarding menopause.
Primrose Oil – Herbal Remedy to Cure Symptoms of Hot Flashes
Evening primrose oil is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. It has the ability to improve the overall health of the female reproductive system. Therefore, it is regarded as the best tonic for the female reproductive system.
It also has a cooling effect on the skin. It also plays a major role in controlling the production of oestrogen. It also works as a sedative and provides sound sleep.
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Chickweed Tincture – Herbal Remedy for Hot Flashes
Chickweed tincture is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. Studies have revealed that this herb is effective in dealing with hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause. It reduces the severity of the symptoms in a natural manner.
Ferrum Phosphoricum – Herbal Remedies to Reduce Redness and Pain
Ferrum phosphoricum is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. It has the ability to reduce redness and pain associated with this condition. It will also get rid of the inflammation associated with this condition.
Red Clover – Natural Remedies to Treat Hot Flashes
Red clover is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. This plant has a high amount of phyto-oestrogen, which is helpful in dealing with the symptoms of menopause including hot flashes. It is also good for the overall health of the female reproductive system.
Sage – Herbal Remedy for Hot Flashes
Sage is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. Drinking sage tea on a daily basis for a couple of weeks is going to be very helpful in dealing with this condition. However, one should opt for only organic sage tea.
It is available in the local grocery store, or one can obtain it from an online store. It eases hot flash in a natural manner. It is also good for dealing with digestion. It will get rid of a headache as well.
Vitamin C – Home Remedies to Deal with Hot Flashes
Vitamin C is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. Studies have revealed that a compound called bioflavonoids, found in vitamin C is very helpful in dealing with hot flashes in an uncomplicated manner.
Including more vitamin C rich food items in the diet would be very helpful in dealing with hot flashes in an effective manner.
Vitamin E – Home Remedies to Relieve Symptoms of Hot Flashes
Vitamin E is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. Vitamin E has antioxidants which are very good in reducing the symptoms of hot flashes.
It provides quick and prolonged relief to hot flashes. Include vitamin E rich food items in the diet. One can also take vitamin E supplements.
Progesterone Cream – Natural Remedy for Hot Flashes
Natural progesterone cream is one of the effective herbal remedies for hot flashes. All thanks to the presence of soy in food items, most women have plenty of oestrogen in their system. In most cases, doctors prescribe more oestrogen.
Using a natural progesterone cream is going to very helpful in dealing with this condition in an effective manner. This cream is going to be very effective in balancing menopausal hormone levels.
Avoiding synthetic bedding and clothing is also going to be effective in dealing with this condition in a natural manner.
Synthetic bed and clothing can increase heat, which will make the symptoms even worse. So, avoid using both as much as possible.
Try to use cotton clothes as much as possible to keep heat under control. Cotton clothes will prevent overheating as much as possible. Also, avoid tight-fitting clothes.
Stays cool as much as possible. Avoid sunlight as much as possible. Don’t use hot tubs. Drink plenty of cool water. Try to use plenty of cucumbers.
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