Preventive Steps to Avoid Swine Flu
H1N1 when attacks a person it causes flu-like symptoms. Swine flu is a respiratory disease which is caused by the swine flu virus.
In humans, this disease is caused by a hybrid of swine flu virus, bird flu virus and human flu virus. This hybrid has most of the similarity with swine flu virus as out of 8 of its strands 5 are taken from the swine flu virus.
There are certain steps that can be taken to reduce the chances of development of swine flu attack. Some of these preventive steps to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus are
Preventive Steps to Avoid Swine Flu H1N1 Virus
Avoid Contact – Best Way to Prevent Swine Flu Virus
If one wants to avoid getting infected by a swine flu virus, he or she needs to avoid contact from the person who is infected by this virus.
If in any case, contact may take place virus can enter that person’s body with air droplets and can infect anyone.
Cover and Masks – Avoid Infection of Swine Flu
To prevent this infection, mouth, and nose should be covered while traveling in an area that is suffering from swine flu H1N1 epidemic. Masks should be worn to avoid the infection.
Cleaning – Best Way to Prevent Swine Flu Virus
The bath should be taken on a regular basis and hands should be washed after every community gathering and social events. This will help to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus to attack you.
Wash the hands with soap and water and if both of them are not available then alcohol can be used. It would be best if you keep sanitizer with you.
Eatables – Home Remedy to Reduce Chances of Swine Flu
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables reduces the chances of developing this disease. Fruits have a high level of vitamin C which is an immune booster and does not allow swine flu H1N1 virus to multiply in the body.
Healthy Habits – Preventive Steps to Avoid Swine Flu
Healthy habits should be adopted to get this infection avoided. Surfaces that are in use should be cleaned and disinfected with water and alcohol.
Hydration – Treatment to Remove Symptoms of H1N1 Virus
Drinking plenty of water can keep this virus away. It keeps a person hydrated which boosts the immunity and does not let the person develop swine flu H1N1 viral infection. If not water, then one should try taking a lot of fluids and juices.
Garlic and Ginger – Home Remedy to Prevent Swine flu H1N1 Virus
Garlic and ginger are two commonly used spices. Eating garlic on a daily basis boosts immunity and reduces the chances of developing this infection.
Ginger can also work as an immunity-boosting agent. Both of these are involved to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Natural Remedy to Treat Swine Flu
This is a substance with many medicinal properties. Drinking tea of apple cider vinegar with added milk and sugar on a daily basis does not let the infection to develop.
Thus it is considered as highly efficient means as preventive steps to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus.
Cod Liver Oil – Home Remedy for Swine Flu
Fish oil which is also known as cod liver oil is one of the best remedies to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus. It contains omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D which do not let the disease to develop.
Sleep – Best Step to Avoid Swine Flu H1N1 Virus
Sometimes sleep works best as preventive steps to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus because while asleep, the immune system of the person is most active.
Taking a sound sleep of 8 hours or more results in lowering the chances of development of swine flu infection.
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Swine Flu Remedies and Treatment
A strong immune system can be considered as the key to a healthier and happier life. A person with high immunity levels is unlikely to develop many diseases.
There are many natural immunity boosters that can be taken to enhance a person’s overall immune system. One of these boosters is omega 3 fatty acid.
This compound is found in seafood like fishes, crabs, and prawns. It can be taken to enhance the immunity as preventive steps to avoid swine flu H1N1 virus.
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