Home Remedies

10 Best Home Remedies for Moles

Home Remedies for Moles

Moles are growth on the skin which is darker in color and rising above the normal level of the skin, though generally, these moles are harmless and apart from giving skin tone an uneven look these do not harm a person in any way, but certain types of moles can develop into cancerous cysts too.

Some moles are not raised and just turn a part of skin into darker shade which appears like a spot or dark spot on the skin. Exact causes of moles are not known. Home remedies for moles can lighten their color and make them less pronounced to diminish their appearance considerably.

Home Remedies for Moles

Garlic – Home Remedy to Remove Moles

Crush a clove of garlic and tie it to the mole, you can spread the crushed garlic clove over a cloth and tie it as bandage, let it stay overnight. In the morning just wash with warm water and pat the skin dry, let it remain in air for one hour and tie another bandage for few hours. Repeat this remedy it will remove the mole in a short time. Garlic works as one of the best home remedies for moles.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda – Home Remedies to Improve Skin Health

Castor Oil and Baking Soda

Take castor oil and add a pinch of baking soda to form a paste, ground a tablet of aspirin and add the powder to the paste. Apply this paste over mole and let it stay for few hours. Later wash with warm water and let the skin dry and apply again. Repeat this remedy twice in a day for few weeks to remove the mole safely. This is one of the widely practiced home remedies for moles.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Home Remedy for Moles

Apple cider vinegar also provides one of the effective home remedies for moles. Dab a cotton ball in vinegar and tie it to the mole, let it stay for few hours and later open the bandage, wash the mole with warm water and scrub the upper skin of it, apply bandage again. Repeat this for few weeks it will remove the mole within this duration.

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Flaxseeds and Honey – Natural Remedy to Get Rid of Moles

Flaxseeds and Honey

Ground a tablespoon of flaxseeds or more; store the powder in an airtight container for future use. Take sufficient quantity of flaxseed powder out and add some honey to form a thick paste, apply this paste over mole and let it stay for 3 to 4 hours. Repeat this remedy three times in a day and regularly for few weeks to lighten and minimize appearance of mole. This is another one of the effective home remedies for moles.

Wash the mole with warm water and for flat moles scratch the upper skin with emery board. Apply 5% Iodine solution to the mole by dabbing a cotton ball in the solution and tying it to the affected part. Let the bandage stay for 10 to 15 minutes later wash off with warm water. Repeat this twice in a day and regularly for few weeks to cure the problem. This is one of the useful home remedies for moles.

Grapefruit Seed – Home Remedy for Moles to Improve Skin Health

Add one part of grapefruit seed extract and 9 parts of avocado oil. Apply this mixture to the mole and let it stay for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water later and repeat one more time in a day. On regular use this works as one of the best home remedies for moles.

Aloe Vera Gel – Natural Remedy to Improve Skin Health

Aloe Vera Gel

Simple applications of fresh aloe vera gel are simplest home remedies for moles. Scrape out fresh aloe vera gel by cutting a leaf of aloe vera plant, apply this gel over raised or flat mole and tie a bandage to keep it in place for few hours. Repeat aloe vera gel’s application two three times in a day and regularly for few weeks to lighten and remove the mole.

Onion and Apple Cider Vinegar – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Moles

Take an onion and extract its juice out, apply over mole and let it stay for 30 minutes and wash off. Alternatively you can mix onion juice with equal parts of apple cider vinegar and tie a cotton ball dabbed in the solution, let the bandage stay for at least half an hour. Remove and apply again and practice this for few weeks to get rid of moles in a short time. Both of these are the best home remedies for moles.

Pineapple and Sea Salt – Home Remedies for Moles

Pineapple and Sea Salt

Prepare a facial scrub by adding a cup of pineapple juice to half cup of coarsely grounded sea salt. Use this mixture as a scrub and focus over upper layer of skin of moles. On regular use this lightens color and appearance of moles considerably. You can also apply undiluted pineapple juice to lighten and reduce moles. Both ways pineapple juice work as dependable home remedies for moles.

Castor Oil and Vitamin C Tablet – Home Remedy to Reduce Moles problems

Applying a paste made by mixing few drops of castor oil with powder of vitamin C tablet is also one of the widely used home remedies for moles. Take a vitamin C tablet and ground it form a powder and just add few drops of castor oil to form a paste, apply this paste and let it stay for an hour. Repeat this two-three times in a day for few weeks to cure the problem.

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