Home Remedies

10 Effective and Best Home Remedies for Warts

Best Home Remedies for Warts

Warts are raised patches on skin shaped like cauliflower and can occur on any part of the skin; these are caused by HPV infection and are contagious. Human beings get infected by HPV and suffer from warts when the virus is allowed to enter into the system through broken skin. The viral infection spreads through skin coming in direct contact with the skin of an infected person and sharing clothes, utensils, etc., with an infected person. Home remedies for warts are ways to curb the activity of the virus, reduce symptoms and prevent flare-ups of the problem.

Home Remedies for Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar – Natural Remedy for Warts

Bandage undiluted apple cider vinegar to the warts, this is one of the best home remedies for warts. Dip a cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar and bandage it over the wart to keep it in place. You can also tape it to hold it in right place, change the bandage after couple of hours repeat two-three times in a day. On regular use this prevents infection from spreading easily and also heals warts quickly.

Milkweed – Herbal Remedy to Treat Warts


Milkweed is one of the best remedies for warts. Squeeze some milk out by plucking a leaf and pressing the base, collect the milk droplets in a teaspoon and dab a cotton ball in it. Mildly scratch the upper skin of wart and apply milk to it. Wash your hands thoroughly after application and repeat at least twice in a day. This calms down symptoms of the problem quickly and on regular use removes warts in a short time.

Potatoes – Home Remedy to Cure Symptoms of Warts

Peel a potato and slice it, rub the potato slice over warts and let the juice stay. You can try this remedy in different way by grating the potato and forming a paste. Tie a bandage containing potato paste and let it stay. Change the bandage after few hours and tie at least three fresh bandages everyday, if you are using potato slices than rub at least 3 to 4 times in a day. On regular use these heal the warts in a short time and calm down symptoms of the problem instantly as well.

Onion – Home Remedy to Prevent Warts


You can use onion too in the similar way; onions are also effective home remedies for warts. You can prepare a paste by grating few fresh slices of onion and apply over warts. Or slice an onion and rub the slices over warts. Repeat the remedy 3 to 4 times in a day and regularly till problem subsides.

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Holy Basil Leaves – Natural Remedy for Warts

Holy basil too possesses strong anti-viral and bacterial properties. Take handful of holy basil leaves and crush them with grindstone collect the paste and apply directly over warts, bandage the paste so that it stay at right place and changes the bandage three times in a day. Holy basil leaves also work as potent home remedies for warts.

Honey – Natural Remedy to Get Rid of Warts


Apply honey directly over warts, use a cotton ball and apply layer after layer for 5 minutes. Cover the area so that honey does not get wiped off and let it stay for 24 hours. Change it next day and repeat the remedy regularly everyday till symptoms subside. Honey applications are easiest home remedies for warts. You can also try pineapple juice as another simple method. Extract fresh pineapple juice and apply generously over warts, let it stay for 5 minutes and pat the skin dry later. On regular use this will remove warts in a short time.

Castor Oil – Effective Natural Treatment for Warts

Add few drops of castor oil to sufficient quantity of baking soda to form a paste. Apply this paste directly over warts and let it stay. Repeat the remedy two-three times in a day it works as one of the useful home remedies for warts.

Nut Oil – Natural Remedy to Treat Warts problem

Nut Oil

Take some cashew nut oil and apply directly over warts, let the oil stay and repeat application of oil two-three times in a day. This too is one of the best remedies for warts.

Garlic – Home Remedy to Curb Fungal Infections

Garlic has powerful properties to curb viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Crush few cloves of garlic to form a paste and apply directly over warts. You can tie the paste by spreading it over a clean cloth or tape it to hold it in right place. Increase intake of garlic during flare-ups, it gives a boost to immune system and helps in curbing virus from inside. Use it as a spice or in raw form with salad.

Home Remedies to Remove Warts

Home Remedies to Remove Warts

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Clove Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil

You can also apply tea tree oil, clove oil or vitamin E oil directly over warts. Apply any of these oils and repeat application after few hours; on regular use these will remove warts in a short time. Application of fresh undiluted lemon juice also works as wonderful home remedies for warts. Just squeeze some juice of lemon and apply over warts and repeat two-three times in a day.

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