Intestinal parasites are microorganisms which thrive in intestinal tract and intestines, here they get conducive environment to breed and food to survive, these microorganisms have the ability to multiply quickly and disrupt entire digestive process to cause severe troubles. Intestinal parasites can affect person of any age, from toddlers to adults anyone can get infected with these, however toddlers and young children are more common victims of the problem.
If not treated these show symptoms like appetite changes, anemia, severe bloating, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, skin irritations, excessive gas formation, frequent heartburn, chronic fatigue and nervousness. These parasites can cause abdominal pains and also muscle and joint aches.
In young children irritability, throwing-up and teeth grinding during sleep are symptoms and also results of parasitic infections. Home remedies for intestinal parasites flush these harmful agents out and clean the intestinal and digestive tract conveniently.
Home Remedies for Intestinal Parasites
Carrot Juice – Home Remedy to Curb Intestinal Parasites
Carrot juice works as one of the best and easy to use home remedies for intestinal parasites. Adults can drink one or two glasses of carrot juice in the morning before breakfast, add a teaspoon of clove powder and black salt to enhance its efficacy and also taste. For children too it is very effective, prepare a mixture by adding equal parts of raw carrot juice and honey and give it to children according to their age. You can mix one teaspoon each to one tablespoon each of honey and carrot juice for children between ages of 3 to 8 years.
Pumpkin Seeds – Home Remedy for Intestinal Parasites
Pumpkin seeds are one of the popular home remedies for intestinal parasites. Dry roast pumpkin seeds over a pan to remove any impurities attached to the seeds, grind them to form a powder and consume as the first thing in the morning one teaspoon full. This will kill parasites in a short time.
Pomegranate Juice – Home Remedy to Curb Parasitic Infection
Eating pomegranate or drinking two-three glasses of pomegranate juice during the day also work as highly effective home remedies for intestinal parasites. Chew raw coconut 100 grams in a day or drink coconut water on an empty stomach to curb parasitic infection effectively.
Lemon Seeds – Home Remedy to Kill Parasites
Lemon seeds also work as potent home remedies for intestinal parasites. Just take a teaspoon of lemon seeds and grind them to form a paste, add this to a glass of water and drink. You can also add this to a glass of lemon juice and water or just chew some seeds. In any way these are wonderful home remedies for intestinal parasites.
Garlic – Home Remedy to Kill Parasitic Infection
Garlic is effective against numerous microorganisms; it provides useful home remedies for intestinal parasites as well. Consuming raw garlic with meals or just consuming couple of cloves between meals are easiest methods to kill parasitic infection.
If infection has been longstanding peel a clove of garlic for a person lesser than age of 20 years and 2 for above 20 years of age, crush the clove add it to a glass of milk, boil the milk, later remove and cover the utensil with a blanket and let it sit overnight. Consume this glass of milk in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat this remedy for two-three more times to kill parasitic infection. This is one of the best home remedies for intestinal parasite.
Vinegar and Butter Milk – Home Remedy to Curb Parasites Problem
All types of vinegar are useful home remedies for intestinal parasites. Just add two-three teaspoons of any vinegar in a glass of water and consume this mixture throughout the day in small gulps. Chew on two cloves everyday or sprinkle clove powder liberally over salad or curd. Consume a glass of buttermilk before meals, add black salt to it and repeat it for few weeks. All of these are easy to use and effective home remedies for intestinal parasites.
Tomatoes and Black Pepper Powder – Home Remedy to Kill Parasites
Cut two tomatoes into slices and sprinkle black pepper powder and black salt over these. Consume as the first thing in the morning, this diet will flush all the parasites out of the system in few days. Drink vegetable juices once or twice in a day, like carrot juice other vegetables also work as the best home remedies for intestinal parasites if consumed in juice form regularly.
Onion – Home Treatment for Intestinal Parasites
Grate an onion and boil it with a glass of water, after giving it one boil remove the utensil and let the mixture stand overnight. Drink the mixture next day dividing it into two parts and repeat the treatment for few days to flush the parasites out of the system completely.
Milk – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Parasites
Drink a glass of warm milk to flush the parasites out. You can add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk or add two teaspoons of castor oil. Drink milk by adding any of these once in a day to kill all the parasites present in the stomach easily. Papaya seeds are also wonderful home remedies for intestinal parasites, just crush the seeds to form a paste and eat them along with papaya. This is very easy to use but effective method of getting rid of parasites.