Natural Remedies

9 Powerful Herbs for Liver Diseases that Work Effectively

Herbs for Liver Diseases

Liver disease can be the result of disturbance to the functioning of the liver. The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body as it is responsible for a number of functionalities which are crucial to the human body.

Injuries and diseases can seriously affect the proper functioning of the liver. Liver disease is also called hepatic disease.

The liver has an important role in the metabolism of fat, iron, and sugar. It plays a major role in fat digestion by producing bile. It also plays a very good role in protein production.

Blood clotting elements are also produced by the liver. So, liver disease can be very serious. There are several herbs for liver diseases. Herbs are preferred over other treatments for various reasons.

One can find several herbs for liver diseases, which can find permanent relief from liver disease. Above all, it will not lead to any side effects.

One can use herbs for liver diseases for a long time without the fear of side effects for the same reason. Liver disease has many symptoms which include weakness, fatigue, nausea, weight loss, vomiting, yellow discoloration of the skin, etc.

Liver functionality will be effected only when 75% of the liver tissues are damaged. There are several home remedies which can be used to deal with this problem in a natural fashion.

Let’s take a closer look at some of those herbal remedies below.

Herbs for Liver Diseases

Milk Thistle – Herbal Remedies for Liver Diseases

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. This herb is highly effective in dealing with a number of liver diseases.

This herbal ingredient can be useful in dealing with a number of liver diseases including viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, the toxicity caused by mushrooms and chemicals, etc.

The recommended dose is 900 mg per day. Take it twice a day for maximum effectiveness.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Herbal Remedy to Cleanse Liver

Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. It has the natural ability to detoxify the liver.

For the best result, one should have it before meals as it will help metabolize fat in an easy manner. Take a glass of water and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

One can also add a teaspoon of honey to the mix. Try to drink this mixture three times a day to cleanse the liver in a natural manner.

Dandelion Root Tea – Natural Remedy to Treat Liver Problems

Dandelion Root Tea

Dandelion root tea is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. It has the natural ability to promote the healthy liver function. Dandelion root can be used to make tea.

One can get dandelion root powder in the stores. Try to use this at least twice a day for maximum effect. Another method is to boil water and put the dandelion root in this – drink this water after cooling.

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Indian gooseberry(Amla) – Natural Remedy for Liver Health

Amla or Indian gooseberry is one of the effective home remedies for liver diseases.

Amla is said to be the richest source of vitamin C and it has the ability to enhance the functionality of the liver in a natural manner.

Studies have revealed that amla has protected the liver in a natural manner. Try to eat 4 to 5 raw amla a day. Another method is to use it in salads.

Licorice – Natural Remedy to Deal with Liver Problems


Licorice is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. This is especially effective when it comes to non-alcoholic fatty liver conditions. This herbal ingredient has been used in Ayurveda for many centuries to deal with many liver conditions.

One can get licorice root in the powder form as well from the market. For maximum benefit, try to use it to make tea. Use the powder to make the tea.

Consuming this tea twice a day would be very effective in dealing with this condition in a natural manner.

Turmeric – Home Remedy for Liver Diseases

Turmeric is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. Turmeric is well-known for its antiseptic and antioxidant properties. It has the ability to increase the health of the liver in a natural manner.

Also, it is well-known for its antiviral property, which will again come in handy in treating this condition in an effective manner. The antiviral property prevents the multiplication of viruses. Use turmeric in cooking on a daily basis.

Flaxseeds – Home Remedy to Cure Liver Problems


Flax seeds are one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. The liver has the duty to remove the hormones circulating in the blood. This action can cause unnecessary stress on the liver. Flax seeds have the ability to prevent this from happening and that will result in less strain on the liver.

Papaya – Natural Remedy for Liver Cirrhosis

Papaya fruit is one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. It is an excellent herbal remedy for liver cirrhosis. This is one of the safest natural remedy for liver disease.

Spinach and Carrot – Home Remedy to Treat Liver Cirrhosis

Spinach and Carrot

Spinach and carrot are one of the effective herbs for liver diseases. These herbal ingredients have the natural ability to handle liver cirrhosis.

Try to mix a half glass of carrot juice and half glass of spinach juice. Drink this juice every day for a couple of weeks to see the effectiveness of this amazing herbal remedy.

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One thought on “9 Powerful Herbs for Liver Diseases that Work Effectively

  1. Tim says:

    Thank you for your help. Please continue your beautiful work. God Bless

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