Throat irritation is not necessarily caused by an infection, there are many mild to moderate reasons which can cause abnormal feeling in the throat to make it discomforting.
Overuse of throat like shouting frequently; overeating certain foods like tea, coffee, chocolates, citrus fruits, peanuts, wine, alcohol etc., change in weather, eating or drinking too many cold food items; certain medical conditions which cause throat problems as side effects and use of antibiotic and sleeping for too long or hyperacidity can also cause irritation in throat.
Due to irritation, the person has a scratchy feeling, pain, presence of something and difficulty in swallowing. If irritation aggravates, it can cause mild fever and headaches as well. Home remedies for throat irritation are effective ways to resolve the problem and prevent its aggravation.
Home Remedies for Throat Irritation
Gargles – Home Remedy for Throat Irritation
Gargles provide effective home remedies for throat irritation. Mix two teaspoons of common salt to a glass of warm water, stir the mixture and gargle with it, repeat this remedy two-three times to relieve irritation. Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, add to 1 liter of hot water and stir the mixture till it becomes bearably warm. Gargle with this mixture after straining, repeat again during the day to gain relief. Holy basil also works as one of the potent home remedies for throat irritation. Crush few leaves of holy basil and add to a cup of water, boil the mixture and later strain. Use the remaining water to gargle, repeat the remedy a few times in a day to cure abnormal feeling in the throat completely. All of these home remedies for throat irritations are effective and simple.
Lemon Juice – Home Remedy to Cure Throat Infection
Lemon provides a couple of home remedies for throat infection. Cut a piece of lemon and squeeze the juice of one of its part, add a teaspoon of honey and mix them in a cup of warm water. Sip this mixture and repeat a few times in a day to cure the irritation. You can also add a half teaspoon each of salt and pepper over half cut lemon and lick it slowly. Or just squeeze a lemon in a cup of warm water and drink it. In any way, lemon provides dependable home remedies for throat irritation.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Home Remedy to Prevent Throat Infections
Apple cider vinegar also provides a couple of effective home remedies for throat irritation. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and salt to a cup of warm water. Gargle with this mixture few times in a day to relieve pain and scratchy feeling in the throat. Or you can try another remedy; add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon each of salt and honey. Stir the mixture and drink it slowly, it is one of the best home remedies for throat irritation which can prevent infections too.
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Garlic – Home Remedy to Relieve Symptoms of Throat
Take a garlic clove, crush it with your teeth and suck the juice of it, it will make your mouth taste awful but it is one of the best home remedies for throat irritation. You can use garlic oil too for good effects just add few drops to a cup of warm water and gargle with the mixture few times in a day. Both ways garlic provides effective home remedies for throat irritation and relieves its symptoms.
Cinnamon Tea – Home Remedy to Treat Throat Problem
If you are a tea drinker, cinnamon provides you one of the simplest home remedies for throat irritation. Just add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your regular cup of tea, avoid milk if possible and drink few cups in a day to alleviate the problem. If irritation persists, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of black pepper to a cup of warm water, gargle with this mixture it will cure irritation even if it is due to severe cough, cold or infection. Both are trusted home remedies for throat irritation.
Slippery Elm Bark – Natural Treatment for Throat Irritations
Slippery elm bark provides wonderful home remedies for throat irritation as well as for infections. Just add one teaspoon of bark to two cups of warm water and stir the mixture. Slippery elm bark contains mucilage which will form a gel-like substance. Consume this mixture after straining it will soothe the painful throat and will allow you to eat and drink without trouble.
Home Remedies for Throat Irritations
- Milk and Turmeric
- Holy Basil Leaves
- Orange Juice
Drink a glass of warm milk after adding a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. One glass in the morning or at night works as one of the simplest home remedies for throat irritation. Chew on few leaves of holy basil; these are also effective in treating irritation in the throat. Take half glass of orange juice, mix a half glass of lukewarm water to it and add a teaspoon of black pepper and drink. Consume a few glasses in the day to alleviate pain and scratchiness in the throat.
Take some precautions while you have abnormal feeling in throat, do not shout or yell, avoid too cold foods and drinks, and prefer consuming warm food. Avoid fatty, junk and spicy foods too as these can irritate throat even more.
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