Leucoderma or colloquially called as white patches are caused due to disorder in which cells stop producing melanin. Lack of melanin makes the skin white in color and it forms patches.
This disease is not contagious but genetic factors are believed as main causes of the problem; apart from genetic factors, auto-immune disorder, anti-oxidant mechanism, nerve damage and over-exposure to certain types of chemicals, metals, infestations, and infections also play a role in causing the problem.
These white patches look nasty over the skin and generally keep on spreading over the entire body. Home remedies for leucoderma are ways to stop the progression of the disease and reduce the appearance of patches.
Home Remedies for Leucoderma
Turmeric and Mustard Oil – Home Remedy for White Patches
Turmeric and mustard oil provide one of the most effective home remedies for leucoderma. Take 500 grams of turmeric roots and ground them, add these to 8 liters of water and let the mixture sit overnight. In the morning, boil the mixture till only 1 liter of water is left, later add this mixture to half a liter of mustard oil.
Boil the resulting mixture again and keep it on a low flame till entire water evaporates. Let the mixture cool down and strain, discard the powdery part and store the oil in a glass jar. Massage the white patches regularly with this oil three-four times in a day. On regular use, this works as one of the potent home remedies for leucoderma.
Seeds of Psoralea – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Leucoderma
Seeds of Psoralea are also reckoned as effective home remedies for leucoderma. Take Psoralea seeds in sufficient quantities and soak them with ginger juice for three days, take ginger juice in the quantity so that seeds get immersed in it completely.
Change the juice every day and after three days take out the seeds and remove the husk. Let the seeds dry in the Sun for one day and later grind them to form a powder. Consume one gram of this powder every day with fresh milk for 40 days regularly. This is one of the oldest home remedies for leucoderma.
Tamarind Seeds – Home Remedy to Cure Leucoderma
Psoralea and tamarind seeds also provide one of the best home remedies for leucoderma but this does not suit everyone.
Mix tamarind and Psoralea seeds in equal parts and soak them in water for three to four days. Later separate seeds from their cover and dry them in shade.
Grind the seeds to form a powder and apply this powder over patches, if white patches ooze or turn red in color discontinue the remedy immediately.
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Walnuts – Natural Treatment for White Patches
Take some walnuts and grind them to form a powder, take two teaspoons of the powder and mix it with some water to form a paste. Apply this paste over white patches and wash off after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this remedy regularly and apply 3 to 4 times a day. This works as one of the wonderful home remedies for leucoderma.
Neem Leaves – Home Remedy to Relieve Symptoms of Leucoderma
Take a handful of neem leaves and soak them in water. Later grind them to form a paste and collect this paste in a sieve, press it and collect the juice flowing out of the paste. Add two teaspoons of this juice to one teaspoon of honey and consume 3 times every day. This too is one of the oldest home remedies for leucoderma.
Ginger – Home Remedy to Reduce the Appearance of Patches
You can also use ginger as one of the easy to use home remedies for leucoderma. Extract some ginger juice out in sufficient quantity to cover the patch. Apply over the white patch and let it stay for 20 minutes, later wash off and repeat two more times during the day.
You can try another remedy by mixing crushed pieces of ginger about a tablespoon in quantity with another tablespoon of red clay. Add them to water and let them soak for a couple of hours.
Apply this paste over patches and let it stay for 30 minutes, wash off and apply again one more time during the day. Both ways ginger works as one of the useful home remedies for leucoderma.
Pomegranate Leaves – Home Remedy to Stop Progression of Disease
Take sufficient quantity of pomegranate leaves and dry them in shade. When completely dry grind them to form a powder and consume 8 grams of this powder once in the morning and in the evening regularly for a few months. This works as one of the effective home remedies for leucoderma.
You can also try another one of the simplest home remedies for leucoderma. Keep some water in a copper utensil overnight and drink this water as first thing in the morning. On regular use this work as an effective way to treat leucoderma.
Alfalfa and Cucumber – Home Remedy for Leucoderma
Mix 100 ml juice of alfalfa and cucumber, drink this mixture twice in a day once in the morning and another in the evening regularly for a few months. This too is one of the best and simple home remedies for leucoderma.
Radish Seeds and Apple Cider Vinegar – Home Remedy for White Patches
Take 25 grams of radish seeds and grind them to form a powder. Add this powder to apple cider vinegar to form a paste and apply over patches. Let the paste stay for 20 to 25 minutes and later wash off with water. This too is one of the best home remedies for leucoderma.