Food allergies are aggravated reactions of the immune system of the body, food allergies occur fewer times and mostly the aggravated response is towards food items to which person is intolerant to, like few people are lactose intolerant. These allergies can be troubling and the person may take a few days to recover completely. Anyone can become allergic to a particular food at any point of age, when a person consumes food body’s immune system keeps an eye over bacteria, virus, etc which sneak in with consumed food. Sometimes certain protein fragments which are not digested in the body confuse the immune system and trigger an aggravated response classified as an allergic reaction. Home remedies for food allergy are ways to help a person recover quickly and also help in reducing the intensity of the problem in the future.
Home Remedies for Food Allergy
Ginger and Banana – Home Remedy to Prevent Food Allergy
Grate a piece of ginger about two inches long and add a teaspoon of honey to it, eat this mixture as first thing in the morning. This is one of the trusted home remedies for food allergy. If you are not allergic to banana eating two bananas in the breakfast or cutting two bananas into small pieces and eating them after adding two teaspoons of honey are also the best home remedies for food allergy.
Lemon Juice and Honey – Home Remedy for Food Allergy
Drink lemonade as first thing in the morning, squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and add two teaspoons of honey to it stir and drink regularly. Pop up a capsule of vitamin E oil daily. Both of these are potent home remedies for food allergy.
Vegetable Juices – Home Remedy to Treat Food Allergy
Vegetable juices are great ways to flush toxins out of the system and give a boost to immunity. Extract 300 ml of carrot juice and add 100 ml each of spinach and beetroot juice to get a mixture of 500 ml, consume this mixture through the day and regularly for a few weeks. This is one of the best home remedies for food allergy. You can also drink a mixture of vegetable juices by adding 200 ml of cucumber juice to 300 ml of carrot juice.
Castor Oil – Home Remedy to Avoid Food Reaction
Drink castor oil as first thing in the morning. This has been found as effective home remedies for food allergy by many. Add few drops of castor oil to a glass of plain water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Repeat this remedy for few weeks regularly to gain relief.
Egg Whites – Home Remedy to Trigger Allergic Reaction
Foods which causes allergy do not cause allergic reaction if you eat them in different way. Also eating such foods in different manner helps body in developing proper antibodies to counter allergens and prevent allergic reactions naturally. Avoid eating eggs and particularly half-boiled eggs, these are well known for causing allergic reactions in the body. Egg white contains three types of proteins which can trigger an allergic reaction. Eat eggs after cooking, this way, allergens get destroyed and chances of allergic reaction minimizes. And by eating cooked eggs your system over a period of time will develop method of handling allergens to completely prevent food allergy due to eggs.
Home Remedies to Prevent Food Allergy
This is another way to avoid the problem which also works as one of the home remedies for food allergy. For milk, drink pasteurized milk as it does not contain any allergen. If you are allergic to fish, try river fish instead of sea fish, and fry or roast peanuts before use rather than eating them raw to prevent allergic reaction caused by peanuts. All of these changes work as the best home remedies for food allergy.
Fruit Juice – Home Remedy for Food Allergy to Avoid Reaction
Plan a 5-day juice fast to clear the system of toxins. The toxic material clogged in digestive tract is mostly responsible for confusing immune system and trigger an abnormal immune response. Clearing toxins out of the system is one of the popular home remedies for food allergy. You can choose juice of fruits to which you are not allergic and drink during the day for five days straight. Do not eat any whole grain, cereals etc. Switch on to your normal eating pattern gradually like start eating lunch first and after couple of day’s dinner and later switch into three-course meals.
Healthy Diet Chart to Avoid Food Allergy
Prepare a diet chart, mention all the food items which you have eaten during a week and check for your body’s response to these. This will help immensely in letting you know the food items to which you are intolerant. In most of the cases it has been found that intolerance to food items triggers aggravated immune response rather than allergy. This practice will keep you away from such food items and prevent troubling instances. Plan your diet avoiding foods to which you are intolerant, this practice also works as one of the best home remedies for food allergy.
Drink Plenty of Water and Citrus Fruit Juices for Food Allergy
Drink plenty of water and citrus fruit juices as and when you get a chance to grab one. Walking, running, jogging swimming, yoga all are excellent home remedies for food allergy as these keep immune system healthy and active. Healthier immune system works in better way and causes lesser allergies and abnormal responses.