Natural Remedies

Natural Lice Treatment to Kill and Remove Lice and Nits

Natural Lice Treatment

When it comes to children, lice are a common problem. One can find this parasite on the scalp and hair shafts. They survive on the blood. The main problem with lice is that it can be contracted if you come in contact with the affected person.

Sharing a towel or comb also can lead to it. Wearing the clothes of the infected person is again going to be another reason behind.

Try not to use brushes and combs used by the person with this problem. As for the symptoms, itching is the most common one.

One will also experience red bumps on the scalp at times. If you are looking for a safe treatment then look for natural lice treatment.

When it comes to handling lice, it is important to learn more about this parasite to know how it works. Natural lice treatment can bring in amazing results compared to other methods.

Natural treatment is gentle and they don’t make way for harmful side effects. Also, natural remedies are easily available and one can perform them in the home. However, one should realize the simple fact that nobody can get rid of lice in a single day.

Showing a little bit of patience is the key to get rid of it for good. Let’s take a closer look at some of those natural cures for this condition below.

Natural Lice Treatment

Garlic – Home Remedy to Get Rid of Lice


Garlic is an effective natural lice treatment. The strong smell of garlic is enough to keep lice away. Try to prepare a garlic paste with fresh garlic cloves. Add three teaspoons of lemon juice to this paste.

Thereafter, apply this mixture carefully on the scalp. Leave it there for half an hour and wash it off after that. Don’t forget to rinse it off with mildly hot water after that.

Garlic has the natural ability to keep lice away. Also, it’s safe for use. Garlic is well appreciated for its disinfectant property. So, one can use it without thinking twice.

Baby Oil – Herbal Remedy to Treat Lice

Baby oil is an effective natural lice treatment. Baby oil has the natural ability to get rid of lice in an effective manner. Apply baby oil throughout the scalp.

Then comb your hair and you will notice lice falling down from the scalp. It’s time to wash the scalp and hair with mildly warm water.

The final step is to apply white vinegar on the scalp and hair. Now cover the head with a towel or shower cap. Go to bed with the shower cap. Wash the hair with clean water and herbal shampoo.

Follow this routine for a couple of days to see the effectiveness of this method. If it works for you then keep doing it on a regular basis for a few weeks to get rid of it completely.

Olive Oil – Natural Remedy to Remove Lice

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an effective natural lice treatment. Olive oil is said to be an excellent choice for keeping lice away in a natural manner. Apply little olive oil on the head before hitting the bed. Try to wear a shower cap overnight.

Try to comb the hair as usual as soon as you wake up in the morning. Now it’s time to wash the hair with an herbal shampoo.

Olive oil has the natural ability to keep all the parasites away. Moreover, it will strengthen the hair as well. It’s really good for the health of the hair.

Using it on a regular basis can come in handy in dealing with this condition.

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Natural Cures for Lice

Salt – Home Remedy for Lice

Salt is an effective natural cures for lice. Salt has the natural ability to keep all the parasites away. It gets the job done through desiccation. Mix salt with vinegar and spray this lotion on the head. Try to wear a shower cap for two hours. Rinse it with an herbal shampoo later. For the best results, try to do it once every 3 days.

Petroleum Jelly – Herbal Remedy to Treat Lice

Petroleum jelly is an effective natural lice treatment. It has the ability to keep lice and such parasites away. It has a stifling effect on the parasite and that would force the parasite to leave the host body. Before hitting the bed, try to apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the scalp.

Wear a shower cap after this throughout the night. Wash the hair in the morning with herbal shampoo and conditioner. Comb the hair thoroughly to make sure that the hair is free of lice. Do this for a couple of weeks to find permanent relief from lice.

Tea Tree Oil – Natural Treatment for Lice

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an effective natural lice treatment. It is considered to be a very effective insecticide and it will be able to get rid of lice in a natural manner. Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. Now cover the head with a shower cap. Rinse the hair with lukewarm water after 45 minutes.

Coconut Oil – Effective Natural Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is an effective natural lice treatment. Coconut oil has the ability to come in the easy movement of the lice. It will also prevent lice from multiplying. Try to use coconut oil regularly before taking a shower.

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